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Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift? (Read 1596 times)
Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Jan 4th, 2010, 7:43am
Hello dear users,

I'm actually coding a little program with processing.

My problem is, that I have a color-bar. I choose some color out of this bar with my left mouse button.

This value is saved in a variable of the "color" type with this function:

color value = get(mouseX, mouseY); 

Now I'm able to make an output of this selected hex-value:

println("Original Hex Value: " + hex(value));  

gives this back: Original Hex Value: FF4700FF

I don't really know, why i go 8 characters back, because the important value is just "4700FF". THIS is the hex value of the color i selected.

Now I try to describe what I want to do with this value.

For example:
Original Hex Value: #4700FF

I want to "modify" this value with some kind of "right rotation".

The first modified value should look this this: #FF4700 and the second one #00FF47.

I need this operations to get a "Triadic Color Harmony" but I'm not able to do this "rotation step".

I tried already the following things:

1. I made a new variable of String type:  
String hex = "#"+hex(value,6); 

2. Made a new String out of the the original value:
String rotatedHex = hex.substring(5) + hex.substring(1,5); 

3. Did a String to Integer convert:
komp_wert1 = (Integer.valueOf(rotatedHex,16).intValue()); 

4. Some println():
  println("Original Hex: " + hex(value)); 
 println("OriginalHex as String: " + hex);
 println("Rotierted  Hex: " + rotatedHex);

5. Terminal output:
Original Hex: FFB700FF
Original Hex as String: #B700FF
Rotierted Hex: FFB700

Can anybody bring me a little light to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2010, 8:03am
Shifting hex colors... interesting!

Here is an attempt using the substring() method (see Javadoc for more info). Looks ugly, but works. Smiley

String s = "AABBCC";

String shiftLeft(String s) {
 return s.substring(2, 6) + s.substring(0, 2);

String shiftRight(String s) {
 return s.substring(4, 6) + s.substring(0, 4);

void setup() {

Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #2 - Jan 4th, 2010, 8:25am
Mike85 wrote on Jan 4th, 2010, 7:43am:
Now I'm able to make an output of this selected hex-value:

println("Original Hex Value: " + hex(value));  

gives this back: Original Hex Value: FF4700FF

I don't really know, why i go 8 characters back, because the important value is just "4700FF".

The first two characters represent the alpha value of the colour; where FF = fully opaque and 00 = fully transparent.

antiplastik - just thinking aloud, but does this really require string manipulation?  I'm thinking it could be done with bitwise operators; though actually I suppose string manipulation might be simpler Wink
Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #3 - Jan 4th, 2010, 8:44am
Nice idea,

but the problem is, that i can not convert a String like "FFFFCC07" back to an Integer/Color Type.

For example:

println("Original Hex: " + hex(value));  

does this:
---> Original Hex: FF3F00FF

String hex = "#"+hex(value);
println("Original Hex als String: " + hex);

puts this from INT to HEX converted String to a new String named "hex"
--->Original Hex as String: #FF3F00FF

  String rotatedHex = hex.substring(1,3) +  hex.substring(7)  + hex.substring(3,7); 

gives back:
---> Rotated Hex: FFFF3F00

Now I have a String with the correct Hex value (from FF3F00FF to FFFF3F00).

Now i wan't to convert it back from String to Integer (because i need this to be able to use this color in my programm)

with this code:
int komp_wert1 = (Integer.valueOf(rotatedHex,16).intValue()); 

but I always get the following error code:
NumberFormatException: For input String: "FFFF3F00"

I don't know what to do Sad

Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #4 - Jan 4th, 2010, 10:23am
blindfish wrote on Jan 4th, 2010, 8:25am:
antiplastik - just thinking aloud, but does this really require string manipulation  I'm thinking it could be done with bitwise operators;

No doubt about it! That's what I meant when I said "Looks ugly, but works."  Grin
Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #5 - Jan 4th, 2010, 10:26am
Mike85 wrote on Jan 4th, 2010, 8:44am:
Now i wan't to convert it back from String to Integer (because i need this to be able to use this color in my programm)

with this code:
int komp_wert1 = (Integer.valueOf(rotatedHex,16).intValue()); 

Have a look at the reference :

color c = unhex(rotatedHex); 

Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #6 - Jan 4th, 2010, 10:38am
I was just about to suggest unhex but my test isn't doing what I expect:

String s = "00FF00";

void setup() {
 // background should be #ff0000 = red

 // rect should be #0000ff = blue, but it looks like it ignores the leading zeros and returns #ff

color shiftLeft(String s) {
 color c = unhex(s.substring(2, 6) + s.substring(0, 2));
 return c;

color shiftRight(String s) {
 color c = unhex(s.substring(4, 6) + s.substring(0, 4));
 return c;

It appears to be ignoring leading zeros when converting to the int, which doesn't seem right...  Unless of course I've done something wrong Wink
Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #7 - Jan 4th, 2010, 11:29am
antiplastik wrote on Jan 4th, 2010, 10:26am:
Mike85 wrote on Jan 4th, 2010, 8:44am:
Now i wan't to convert it back from String to Integer (because i need this to be able to use this color in my programm)

with this code:
int komp_wert1 = (Integer.valueOf(rotatedHex,16).intValue()); 

Have a look at the reference :

color c = unhex(rotatedHex); 

This was the right thing I looked for! Now it works fine!

Thanks to all the poster in this thread! Great community at all!
Re: Question about Color (HEX) values! Rotate/Shift?
Reply #8 - Jan 4th, 2010, 11:32am
I'm not allowed to post hyperlinks in this forum, because I have < 5 postings at the moment -.-!

Here is the latest version of my program:


(I have to substitute http ---> hxxp to post this link).

Just klick within the color-bar and you see the effect Wink
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