Error message from within emacs-processing:
Code:test.pde:-1:0:-1:0: The public type processing must be defined in its own file
I'm trying to understand what happens when a sketch is compiled, so I can do test sketches. So I deleted my entire processing directory, decompressed the processing 1.0.9 tarball, descended into it's fist level directory and created a test sketch:
Code:size(400, 400);
background(192, 64, 0);
line(150, 25, 270, 350);
The error in the processing-mode buffer gives me:
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/play/processing-1.0.9/" -*-
Compilation started at Wed Dec 30 17:24:52
/home/mantis/opt/processing-1.0.9/java/bin/java -classpath "/home/mantis/opt/processing-1.0.9/java/lib/rt\
r --sketch="/home/mantis/play/processing-1.0.9/" --output="/home/mantis/play/processing-1.0.9/output" --r\
test.pde:-1:0:-1:0: The public type processing must be defined in its own file
Compilation finished at Wed Dec 30 17:24:54
Whats happening here?
How can I get past this error and start doing sketches?
Is there any documentation on how the processing application 'Commander' does it's thing ?