YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #4 - Dec 30th , 2009, 7:20pm
This is the original post which i got the code, it might help you. i try everithing but..nothing!!The final Processing code. To process the sound I used the ESS library that reads the spectrum of a sound source. The website of this library can be found here: Link. The following code is taken by the library website, and changed by me to make it work with my installation Here I import the Ess library and the serial one, and initialize all the variables needed for the script to run. import krister.Ess.*; import processing.serial.*; // “bufferSize” defines the buffer used to read and // process the signal from the microphone int bufferSize; // “steps” and “limitDiff” define the scale of the reading int steps; float limitDiff; // numAverages defines the number of averages computed between // the reading of all the frequency bands int numAverages=3; // the value of “Damp” defines on how similar and smooth should be // the frequency band float myDamp=.1f; // “maxLimit” and “minLimit” define the lowest and the highest value // of the reading scale float maxLimit,minLimit; // “bass”, “medium” and “high” are the variable that will store the // output value to be sent to the Arduino board int bass; int medium; int high; // “myPort” is dedicated to the Serial port Serial myPort; // “myFFT” is dedicated to store the array with all the readings FFT myFFT; // “AudioInput” is the variable to store the audio AudioInput myInput;At this point I start with the setup of the stage, I initialize the libraries and call all the functions to read the audio void setup () { size(700,221);// start up Ess Ess.start(this); // set up our AudioInput bufferSize=32; myInput=new AudioInput(bufferSize); // set up our FFT myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2); myFFT.equalizer(false); // set up our FFT normalization/dampening minLimit=.005; maxLimit=.05; myFFT.limits(minLimit,maxLimit); myFFT.damp(myDamp); myFFT.averages(numAverages); // get the number of bins per average steps=bufferSize/numAverages; // get the distance of travel between minimum and maximum limits limitDiff=maxLimit-minLimit; frameRate(25); myInput.start(); myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 115200); }I start by drawing on the stage the waveform and the spectrum void draw() { background(0,0,255); // draw the waveform noStroke(); fill(255,128); // draw the spectrum for (int i=0; i rect(10+i,10,1,myFFT.spectrum[i]*200); }Then we start to calculate the averages. As I set up the numAverages to be 3, the loop will continue as long as the “i” variable will not reach the number of 3. I declare the variable “tuning”, that I always use as a multiplier in case the signals that I get become too low. Than I draw 3 rectangles, each one set to be tall as the average of the first, second and third frequency range. // draw our averages for(int i=0; i) { int tuning=74; fill(255,128); rect(10+i*steps,10,steps,myFFT.averages[i]*200); fill(255); rect(10+i*steps,(int)(10+myFFT.maxAverages[i]*200),steps,1); rect(10+i*steps,10,1,200); Now, I start to retrieve the final values that I have to send to the board. I transform the value into an integer, as the “myFFT” variable was decleares as a float, and multiply the result by the “tuning” variable, that I can easily adjust if I should need to do so. I print everything on the Processing console for debugging, and then send the values to Arduino. Note that I added 33 to the “bass” variable, 108 to the “medium” and 183 to the “high”. I did so because Arduino will read the range between 33 and 108 and assign the value to the pin dedicated for the bass fan. int bass = int(myFFT.averages[0]*tuning); int medium = int(myFFT.averages[1]*tuning); int high = int(myFFT.averages[2]*tuning); println(byte(bass+33)); println(medium+108); println(high+183); myPort.write(byte(bass+33)); myPort.write(byte(medium+108)); myPort.write(byte(high+183)); } At the end I call the function that reads the input from the soundcard public void audioInputData(AudioInput theInput) { myFFT.getSpectrum(myInput); }