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missing semicolon? (Read 1242 times)
missing semicolon?
Dec 29th, 2009, 8:57am
Hello i have a problem with this code. i got it as it is and i have not to much knowledge to repair it.
so when i run it i have the error "Syntrax error, maybe a missing semicolon?" what is wrong??

were is the cobe:

        import krister.Ess.*;
   import processing.serial.*;

   // “bufferSize” defines the buffer used to read and
   // process the signal from the microphone
   int bufferSize;

   // “steps” and “limitDiff” define the scale of the reading
   int steps;
   float limitDiff;

   // numAverages defines the number of averages computed between
   // the reading of all the frequency bands
   int numAverages=3;

   // the value of “Damp” defines on how similar and smooth should be
   // the frequency band

   float myDamp=.1f;

   // “maxLimit” and “minLimit” define the lowest and the highest value
   // of the reading scale
   float maxLimit,minLimit;

   // “bass”, “medium” and “high” are the variable that will store the
   // output value to be sent to the Arduino board
   int bass;
   int medium;
   int high;

   // “myPort” is dedicated to the Serial port
   Serial myPort;

   // “myFFT” is dedicated to store the array with all the readings
   FFT myFFT;

   // “AudioInput” is the variable to store the audio
   AudioInput myInput;
       void setup () {
   size(700,221);// start up Ess

   // set up our AudioInput
   myInput=new AudioInput(bufferSize);

   // set up our FFT
   myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2);

   // set up our FFT normalization/dampening

   // get the number of bins per average

   // get the distance of travel between minimum and maximum limits


   myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 115200);
       void draw() {

   // draw the waveform


   // draw the spectrum

   for (int i=0; i
       // draw our averages
   for(int i=0; i)

   int tuning=74;
   int bass = int(myFFT.averages[0]*tuning);
int medium = int(myFFT.averages[1]*tuning);
int high = int(myFFT.averages[2]*tuning);

public void audioInputData(AudioInput theInput) {
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #1 - Dec 29th, 2009, 9:27am

for (int i=0; i

For-loop is incomplete.
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #2 - Dec 29th, 2009, 11:01am
what i could fill to complete it?
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #3 - Dec 29th, 2009, 11:34am
for (int i=0; i

it has to be something like that

for (int i=0; i>X;i++);

where i>X could be anything else like i< or <= etc. and the i++ part could be changed to i+=10 for example or i--
but i++ is the most commoin if you just want to loop something X times.
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #4 - Dec 30th, 2009, 7:20pm
This is the original post which i got the code, it might help you. i try everithing but..nothing!!

The final Processing code. To process the sound I used the ESS library that reads the spectrum of a sound source. The website of this library can be found here: Link.
The following code is taken by the library website, and changed by me to make it work with my installation
Here I import the Ess library and the serial one, and initialize all the variables needed for the script to run.

   import krister.Ess.*;
   import processing.serial.*;

   // “bufferSize” defines the buffer used to read and
   // process the signal from the microphone
   int bufferSize;

   // “steps” and “limitDiff” define the scale of the reading
   int steps;
   float limitDiff;

   // numAverages defines the number of averages computed between
   // the reading of all the frequency bands
   int numAverages=3;

   // the value of “Damp” defines on how similar and smooth should be
   // the frequency band

   float myDamp=.1f;

   // “maxLimit” and “minLimit” define the lowest and the highest value
   // of the reading scale
   float maxLimit,minLimit;

   // “bass”, “medium” and “high” are the variable that will store the
   // output value to be sent to the Arduino board
   int bass;
   int medium;
   int high;

   // “myPort” is dedicated to the Serial port
   Serial myPort;

   // “myFFT” is dedicated to store the array with all the readings
   FFT myFFT;

   // “AudioInput” is the variable to store the audio
   AudioInput myInput;

At this point I start with the setup of the stage, I initialize the libraries and call all the functions to read the audio

   void setup () {
   size(700,221);// start up Ess

   // set up our AudioInput
   myInput=new AudioInput(bufferSize);

   // set up our FFT
   myFFT=new FFT(bufferSize*2);

   // set up our FFT normalization/dampening

   // get the number of bins per average

   // get the distance of travel between minimum and maximum limits


   myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 115200);

I start by drawing on the stage the waveform and the spectrum

   void draw() {

   // draw the waveform


   // draw the spectrum

   for (int i=0; i

Then we start to calculate the averages. As I set up the numAverages to be 3, the loop will continue as long as the “i” variable will not reach the number of 3. I declare the variable “tuning”, that I always use as a multiplier in case the signals that I get become too low. Than I draw 3 rectangles, each one set to be tall as the average of the first, second and third frequency range.

   // draw our averages
   for(int i=0; i)

   int tuning=74;

Now, I start to retrieve the final values that I have to send to the board. I transform the value into an integer, as the “myFFT” variable was decleares as a float, and multiply the result by the “tuning” variable, that I can easily adjust if I should need to do so. I print everything on the Processing console for debugging, and then send the values to Arduino. Note that I added 33 to the “bass” variable, 108 to the “medium” and 183 to the “high”. I did so because Arduino will read the range between 33 and 108 and assign the value to the pin dedicated for the bass fan.

   int bass = int(myFFT.averages[0]*tuning);
   int medium = int(myFFT.averages[1]*tuning);
   int high = int(myFFT.averages[2]*tuning);

At the end I call the function that reads the input from the soundcard

   public void audioInputData(AudioInput theInput) {
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #5 - Dec 30th, 2009, 7:43pm
like we said. these are not for loops :

 for (int i=0; i


 for(int i=0; i)


maybe take a look at http://processing.org/reference/for.html
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #6 - Dec 30th, 2009, 8:16pm
ok. i will work on it
thank you for your time
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #7 - Dec 30th, 2009, 8:29pm
if you would tell us what you are actually doing there, i could tell you what to do. but it doesnt make much sense
Re: missing semicolon?
Reply #8 - Dec 31st, 2009, 3:24am
Starting with the original code from Reply 4 then to draw the spectrum the following should work.

for (int i=0; i < myFFT.spectrum.length; i++){

From the comments
Then we start to calculate the averages. As I set up the numAverages to be 3, the loop will continue as long as the “i” variable will not reach the number of 3. I declare the variable “tuning”, that I always use as a multiplier in case the signals that I get become too low. Than I draw 3 rectangles, each one set to be tall as the average of the first, second and third frequency range.

On that premise I think it should look like

// numAverages has already been set to 3
// draw our averages
for(int i=0; i < numAverages; i++) {
  int tuning=74;

Hope this works. Smiley
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