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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › (failed) rotate or camera at runtime
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(failed) rotate or camera at runtime (Read 792 times)
(failed) rotate or camera at runtime
Dec 25th, 2009, 9:17am

I'm having a problem with this sketch. I'm using the draw function to put some matrices on display, but they are only drawn 3 times (one for each matrix) and then the conditional stops.

I would like to rotate freely around the displayed objects, but I can't. I've tried putting various rotateX/rotateY on draw(), and I've also played with putting a camera(), but not one responds in real-time, they only function on the 3 first iterations of the draw method.

Please, any advice on rotating the object (or camera) to see the dislay at various angles at runtime is appreciated!!!


import processing.opengl.*;
import de.cappelnord.ppm.*;

int dim;
int size = 24;

float drehI = 0.0;

PPMatrix m1;
PPMatrix m2;
PPMatrix m3;

PPMatrix[] history;

PPMatrixList list;
Iterator it;

boolean[][] mat1;
boolean[][] mat2;
boolean[][] mat3;

final static int NUM = 6;

float rotx = PI/4;
float roty = PI/4;

void mouseDragged() {
float rate = 0.01;
rotx += (pmouseY-mouseY) * rate;
roty += (mouseX-pmouseX) * rate;

void setup()
dim = PublicPixelMatrix.DIM;
size(1024, 576, OPENGL);

mat1 = new boolean[dim][dim];
mat2 = new boolean[dim][dim];
mat3 = new boolean[dim][dim];

for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<dim; j++) {
boolean bool = ((int)random(2)) == 1 ? true : false;
mat1[j][i] = bool;

arrayCopy(mat1, mat2);
arrayCopy(mat2, mat3);

m1 = new PPMatrix(1249422542, mat1);
m2 = new PPMatrix(1249422543, mat2);
m3 = new PPMatrix(1249422544, mat3);

list = new PPMatrixList();
//list = PublicPixelMatrix.readPPMatrixListFromURL("XXX");

it = list.iterator();

history = new PPMatrix[NUM];

void draw()

PPMatrix matrix = (PPMatrix) it.next();

for(int i = history.length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
history[i+1] = history[i];
history[0] = matrix;

translate(width/2, height / 2 - ((dim * size) / 2));

drehI = drehI + 0.011;

rotateY( PI + (sin(drehI) * (PI/4)));
translate(-((dim * size) / 2),0);

for(int i = 0; i < history.length; i++)
if(history[i] != null)
translate(0,0,i*-80 );

float alpha = 255 - (((float) i / (float) history.length) * 220);

for(int y = 0; y < dim; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < dim; x++)
fill(0,history[i].get(x,y) ? 0 : 255,0, alpha);
rect(x * size, y * size, size , size);
///camera(rotx, 0., 0., 50.0, 50.0, 0.0, rotx, 1.0, 1.0);
Re: (failed) rotate or camera at runtime
Reply #1 - Dec 26th, 2009, 12:52pm
Try adding:
   it = list.iterator();
Re: (failed) rotate or camera at runtime
Reply #2 - Dec 26th, 2009, 1:37pm
Thank you very, very much JR for your help.

My problem is solved, and for future inquiries, I promise to be more empathic with any potential helpers.


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