YaBB Newbies
Posts: 6
Three very specific questions
Dec 24th , 2009, 2:40pm
Hello and merry christmas good people, I'm using the Public Pixel Matrix library from mr. Patrick Borgeat, and I'm trying to replicate a video he posted on YouTube. This library stores boolean matrices (2d arrays) for displaying basic patterns in a small grid. This particular example displays the same grid on 3D space with a certain number of duplicates behind it (determined by length and Iterator). These are my problems: 1- What is the syntax string for calling a file within my computer directory? readFromDirectory("XXX") 2- I can't make the shapes on every draw() command to suit my mouseX and mouseY rotation numbers established in mouseDragged(), I don't know why. It probably has to do with the reset thing that happens on every draw(), but I don't know how to bypass this. 3- I also can't seem to fill the "mat1" 2D array with random boolean values, because when I use it to display a matrix it only shows for true. import processing.opengl.*; import de.cappelnord.ppm.*; int dim; int size = 24; Iterator it; float drehI = 0.0; PPMatrix m1; PPMatrix m2; PPMatrix m3; PPMatrixList list; boolean[][] mat1; boolean[][] mat2; boolean[][] mat3; PPMatrix[] history; final static int NUM = 6; float rotx = PI/4; float roty = PI/4; void setup() { dim = PublicPixelMatrix.DIM; size(1024, 576, OPENGL); frameRate(25); smooth(); mat1 = new boolean[dim][dim]; mat2 = new boolean[dim][dim]; mat3 = new boolean[dim][dim]; for(int i=0; i<dim; i++) { for(int j=0; j<dim; j++) { if (random(2) == 1) { boolean bool = random(2) <= 0 ? false : true; mat1[j][i] = bool; } } } arrayCopy(mat1, mat2); arrayCopy(mat2, mat3); m1 = new PPMatrix(1249422542, mat1); m2 = new PPMatrix(1249422543, mat2); m3 = new PPMatrix(1249422544, mat3); list = new PPMatrixList(); list.add(m1); list.add(m2); list.add(m3); //list = PublicPixelMatrix.readPPMatrixListFromURL(""); it = list.iterator(); history = new PPMatrix[NUM]; } void draw() { } void mousePressed() { rotateX(rotx); if(it.hasNext()) { background(0); noStroke(); PPMatrix matrix = (PPMatrix); for(int i = history.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { history[i+1] = history[i]; } history[0] = matrix; pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height / 2 - ((dim * size) / 2)); drehI = drehI + 0.011; rotateX(rotx); rotateY(roty); //rotateY( PI + (sin(drehI) * (PI/4))); translate(-((dim * size) / 2),0); for(int i = 0; i < history.length; i++) { if(history[i] != null) { pushMatrix(); translate(0,0,i*-80 ); float alpha = 255 - (((float) i / (float) history.length) * 220); for(int y = 0; y < dim; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < dim; x++) { fill(0,history[i].get(x,y) ? 0 : 255,0, alpha); rect(x * size, y * size, size , size); } } popMatrix(); } } popMatrix(); fill(255); // text(matrix.getFormattedDate(),20,34); // saveFrame("frame####.png"); } } void mouseDragged() { float rate = 0.01; rotx += (pmouseY-mouseY) * rate; roty += (mouseX-pmouseX) * rate; }