YaBB Newbies
Posts: 6
background refresh
Dec 21st , 2009, 5:14am
hi, I have this problem, where I want mouse to draw in 3D so the 3D CUBE GRID needs to be freely rotated on the screen. That is all fine. But now how do I make the objects "stick" to their places since background() is refreshing the position every frame? Some one suggested arrays, but i can't figure out how to do it. import processing.opengl.*; Ball b1 = new Ball(); float xpos,ypos,zpos, sz; PGraphics bf; float expo = 1; float rotx, roty; float rate = 0.01; color c2 = color(0); void mouseDragged() { rotx = rotx + (mouseY - pmouseY) * rate; roty = roty + (mouseX - pmouseX) * rate; } void setup() { size(700,400,OPENGL); bf = createGraphics(width,height,P3D); stroke(150); } void draw() { background(255); if (keyPressed && keyCode==UP) { expo = expo + 0.01; } if (keyPressed && keyCode==DOWN) { expo = expo - 0.01; } bf.beginDraw(); bf.background(0); translate(350,200,0); bf.translate(350,200,0); rotateX(rotx); bf.rotateX(rotx); rotateY(roty); bf.rotateY(roty); scale(expo); bf.scale(expo); translate(-350,-350,-350); bf.translate(-350,-350,-350); for (int x = 150; x<=550; x+=100) { for (int y = 150; y<=550; y+=100) { for (int z = 150; z<=550; z+=100) { line(150,y,z,x,y,z); line(x,150,z,x,y,z); line(x,y,150,x,y,z); bf.pushMatrix(); bf.translate(x,y,z); bf.noStroke(); bf.fill(x/10,y/10,z/10); bf.rectMode(CENTER); bf.rect(0,0,10,10); bf.rotateX(PI/2); bf.rect(0,0,10,10); bf.rotateX(PI/2); bf.rotateY(PI/2); bf.rect(0,0,10,10); bf.popMatrix(); } } } color c1 = bf.get(mouseX,mouseY); if (c1 > c2) { b1.drawball(); xpos = red(c1)*10; ypos = green(c1)*10; zpos = blue(c1)*10; sz = 10; } } class Ball { void drawball() { translate(xpos,ypos,zpos); sphere(sz); } }