I'm having a strange problem with the following code. When I try to run it, the program window doesn't show up. However, a little java applet icon shows up in my dock (I'm on a mac), and I'm also not receiving any errors.
Other sketches are working fine, so it's got to be a problem with this specific code, but I'm not sure how to begin debugging something like this, where the window doesn't even open!
Any ideas? Thanks!!

- David
color redC = color(255, 0, 0);
color purple = color(170, 23, 193);
color yellow = color(255, 255, 0);
color blueC = color(50, 50, 255);
color orange = color(255, 128, 0);
color greenC = color(14, 193, 2);
color pink = color(250, 154, 212);
color p1Color = pink;
color p2Color = pink;
color recentColor = pink;
int p1Pos = 0; // player 1 position
int p2Pos = 0; // player 2 position
int timeSize = 375;
int nowSize = 1;
boolean p1Turn = true; // keeps track of whose turn it is
boolean gameOver = false; // keeps track of if the game is still going
boolean showMenu = true;
void setup(){
size(800, 400);
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
void draw(){
background(0, 0, 99);
if(p1Pos >= 300){
gameOver = true;
} else if(p2Pos >= 300){
gameOver = true;
stroke(0, 0, 60);
fill(0, 0, 99);
// left slider pole
rect(100, 50, 10, 300);
// right slider pole
rect(690, 50, 10, 300);
// player 1
rect(105, 350 - p1Pos, 30, 30);
// player 2
rect(695, 350 - p2Pos, 30, 30);
// time-keeper boundary
rect(width/2, height/2, timeSize, timeSize);
// time-keeper grower
rect(width/2, height/2, nowSize, nowSize);
if(gameOver == false){
// turn-keeper arrows
fill(65, 35, 99);
if(p1Turn == true){
triangle(55, 350 - p1Pos, 45, (350-p1Pos)+10, 45, (350-p1Pos)-10);
} else if(p1Turn == false){
triangle(745, 350 - p2Pos, 755, (350-p2Pos)+10, 755, (350-p2Pos)-10);
void keyPressed(){
if(gameOver == true){
} else {
if(key == 'q' || key == 'Q'){
if(p1Turn == true){
if(p1Pos <= 300){
int move = int(random(2, 16));
p1Pos = p1Pos + move;
p1Turn = false;
nowSize = 0;
if(key == 'p' || key == 'P'){
if(p1Turn == false){
if(p2Pos <= 300){
int move = int(random(2, 16));
p2Pos = p2Pos + move;
p1Turn = true;
nowSize = 0;
if(key == BACKSPACE){
// function to reset the game (go to the "menu")
void reset(){
showMenu = true;
p1Color = pink;
p2Color = pink;
recentColor = pink;
p1Pos = 0;
p2Pos = 0;
timeSize = 375;
nowSize = 1;
// function to start the game
void start(){
showMenu = false;
gameOver = false;