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building processing 0069 (Read 1654 times)
building processing 0069
Dec 10th, 2009, 4:47pm
Someone dropped a really old processing sketch in my lap and I was hoping to get it up and running. Unfortunately, the API has changed substantially since this thing was written.

I downloaded the source for processing 0069, but it has a dependency on 'bagel', which is now part of core. The build script tries to checkout bagel from a sourceforge CVS repo, but fails (cuz it ain't there anymore). Anyone have any ideas where I might find a matching version of bagel? Or perhaps an archived processing binary? Preferably OS X, but Windows is ok.
Re: building processing 0069
Reply #1 - Dec 10th, 2009, 11:41pm
wouldn't porting the old sketch to new processing be more valuable than resurrecting an old version?
Re: building processing 0069
Reply #2 - Dec 22nd, 2009, 12:36am
Well... yes and no. I actually want to port it to openframeworks. There's a lot of unnecessary junk in the sketch, though. Getting it up and running in the old processing would make it much easier to separate the wheat from the chaff - through aggressive commenting out of code.

I tried porting it to the new Processing, but after an hour or so of hacking, I threw my hands up. It went through some very nasty API changes. There's some Java-fu lurking somewhere in the dark recesses of my brain, but what can I say? I'm lazy.  Tongue
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