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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › My own sample bytes to an output - how! (Solved)
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My own sample bytes to an output - how!? (Solved) (Read 1176 times)
My own sample bytes to an output - how!? (Solved)
Nov 27th, 2009, 6:06am
Hi everyone.

Please excuse if this has been solved or answered earlier, but i am way too fresh at this as plain reading of examples would lead me to a clue.

I have read various examples using Ess and Minim, but somehow none of them made this certain thing i want to do.

I have loaded a sample (44khz, 16 bit wav) and i have all the values (words, 16bit) at hand in an array. I can display portions of the wave to the screen and i can scroll my pointer through the wave file.

Now - how do i manage to copy my sample16bit[] array into an audio buffer, with the effect, that at a given lenght (1024 words) this buffer will loop and playback the audio i have given into it?

I have examined minim´s "createSample" example, but - instead of using a free "container" (array) where values are generated into, it uses a sine function.

If only i could read values from a table or array and manually copy them into some whatever audio-playback buffer.

Can anybody help me?

best regards,
Re: My own sample bytes to an output - how!?
Reply #1 - Nov 27th, 2009, 7:37am
I have finally made it, i believe, looking at the soundScrawl applet by Matt Gilbert. mattgilbert.net/article/37/sound-scrawl

At the moment i am still experiencing a weird hiss potential, sort of a bit depht distortion, but - i am such a noob that parts of my code are not entirely transparent to me, yet :-D

If anybody wants, i can post the code, but be warned, it is from the mind of an old-school spaghetti coder.

Re: My own sample bytes to an output - how!?
Reply #2 - Nov 27th, 2009, 3:09pm
Sound issue also solved. It was all in the numbers (buffer received very unhealthy values).

IMPORTANT - if you believe you must complain because it is *badly coded* well - this piece of code reflects my first 12 hours in processing so - please be gentle.

second important note:
due to the manual byte order reading and stuff, this only works for 16 bit intel byte order 44.1khz mono data (wav or raw). and yes, i do absolutely ignore the wav header. i had worse stuff to care about.

// 514audiodesign in November 2009
// This is to :
// 1. read a sample
// 2. display the waveform on screen
// 3. make the values from the sample available for manipulation
// 4. give the values back to a playback-buffer
// 5. have the possibility to manipulate and save back samples
// This is just a lesson for me to learn this stuff.

import pitaru.sonia_v2_9.*;

//tweakable values
int sampmaxlen = 5000000; //max sample length 5 mb
int screenwidth = 1200; //display x size
int screenheight = 500; //display y size
int buffsize = 8192;    //playback buffer size (will loop)

int samplepointer;
int samplesize;
float amplivalue;
float interim;
float u;
float z;
boolean copybuff = false;
boolean copynow = true;

//create sample array in wordsize of the max sample length
//(normally half size of the bytelenght of the sample lenght)
//(but i didn´t know how to read the sample lenght upon initialisation)
int[] sample16bit = new int[sampmaxlen];

float[] data = new float[buffsize];

void setup(){
 int streamSize = buffsize;
 Sonia.start(this, 44100);
 LiveOutput.start(streamSize,streamSize*2); // Start LiveOutput with a buffer.
 LiveOutput.startStream(); // Start the liveOutput stream, and activate the liveOutputEvent(){}


 //onscreen control values text display  
 PFont font;
 font = loadFont("ErbarLT-BoldCondensed-12.vlw");

 //load sample
   byte b[] = loadBytes("anymono16bitpcmsample.wav");
// byte b[] = loadBytes("anymono16bitinelfile.raw");
 samplesize = (b.length/2);

 //convert 8 to 16 bit and copy in array
 for (int i=0; i<b.length;i=i+2){
   int lobyte = (b[i]);  //read low byte 0-255
   int hibyte = (b[i+1]); //read high byte 256-65535)
  sample16bit[i/2]=((hibyte*256)+lobyte);     //byte1 * 256 + byte2 = word = 8->16 bit

   //initially clear audio buffer (just to make sure)
   for(int i = 0; i < buffsize; i++){
LiveOutput.data[i] = 0;

//end setup

void draw(){
 background(100);   //refresh
 noFill();    //faster gfx

 //pointer startposition to read the amount of (screenwidth) values relatively to x position
 samplepointer=int ((samplesize/screenwidth) * mouseX);

 // catch underflow
 while (samplepointer < 1) {

 //catch overflow
 while (samplepointer > (samplesize-screenwidth)) {
 samplepointer = (samplesize-screenwidth);
 //graphical part  
 //read values from sample to display onscreen with the length of (screenwidth)
 for (int i = 0; i < screenwidth; i = i + 1) {
   z = float (sample16bit[samplepointer+i]);  //read values at pointerposition+i,
   u = z + 32768; // unorthodox messing
   z = u/(screenheight/3.85);  // around with the values so
   amplivalue = z ;     // they show up in the right place on the screen

   ellipse (i,amplivalue,1,1); //draw a fat dot representing the amplitude value

 //draw amplitude centerline
 line (0,screenheight/2,screenwidth,screenheight/2);

 //On-screen control values
 text (("Samplesize:"+samplesize*2),screenwidth/3,screenheight-2);
 text (("Samplepointer:"+samplepointer*2),screenwidth/2,screenheight-2);
 text (("Amplivalue:"+sample16bit[samplepointer]),screenwidth/1.5,screenheight-2);
 text (("Realamplivalue:"+amplivalue),screenwidth/1.1,screenheight-2);

 //Copy data of the currently displayed position to buffer if mouse is pressed
   for(int i=1; i<buffsize; i++){
z = sample16bit[(samplepointer+i)]; // transparent calculations
u = z / 10000;    // to reach a float range
data[i] = u / 3.5; // of -1 to 1

//end draw

//mouse stuff
void mousePressed(){
 copybuff = true;

void mouseReleased(){
 copybuff = false;

//Playback event
// This event is automatically called when the system requests new data for the stream.
void liveOutputEvent(){

   for(int i = 0; i < buffsize; i++){
   LiveOutput.data[i] = data[i];

//end playback event

//sonia shutdown
public void stop(){    

best regards,
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