YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
Why isn't this working?
Nov 23rd , 2009, 9:01pm
I have this code for a flock of birds and it won't work. Is something typed in wrong? Here's the code: class Bird extends Particle { float birdSize = 5.0; int currentFrame = int(random(0, birdImg.length)); int frameCounter = currentFrame; float headAngle, colorR, colorG, colorB, tcR, tcG, tcB, curR, curG, curB; int birdNum, shapeNum; color birdColor; float colorSpd = 0.01; Bird(float ix, float iy, float spd, int n) { super(ix, iy, spd); birdNum = n; shapeNum = birdNum%numBirdShapes; colorR = min(random(144, birdNum%255), 255); // Create random colors colorG = min(random(birdNum%144, 255), 255); colorB = min(random(144, 255), 255); tcR = colorR; tcG = colorG; tcB = colorB; curR = colorR; curG = colorG; curB = colorB; birdColor = color(colorR, colorG, colorB); } void update() { super.update(); headAngle = atan2(dy, dx); // Make 'heads' follow the cursor } void display() { currentFrame = (frameCounter/4)%numBirdImages; // Create looping animation frameCounter++; pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(headAngle); if (showSkin==1) { // Skin 1: PImage if (xDir > 0) { image(birdImg[currentFrame], 0, 0); // Draw images } else { pushMatrix(); scale(1.0, -1.0); image(birdImg[currentFrame], 0, -birdImg[currentFrame].height); // Draw reflected images popMatrix(); } } else if (showSkin==2) { // Skin 2: PShape pushMatrix(); scale(birdSize/min(dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY)+1, 10)); rotate(-HALF_PI); shape(birdShape[shapeNum], 0, 0);// Draw shapes popMatrix(); } else { // Skin 3: drawing scale(birdSize); rotate(HALF_PI); if (mousePressed) { tcR = 255 - min(dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY), 255); // Make birds red tcG = 0; tcB = 0; } else { tcR = colorR; // Reset to previous color tcG = colorG; tcB = colorB; } curR += (tcR - curR)*colorSpd; curG += (tcG - curG)*colorSpd; curB += (tcB - curB)*colorSpd; birdColor = color(curR, curG, curB); fill(birdColor, 204); rect(0, 0, 5, 5); // Draw birds } popMatrix(); } }