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Depth first tree search [SOLVED] (Read 1760 times)
Depth first tree search [SOLVED]
Nov 19th, 2009, 9:19am
Hello all, I'm new to these boards, I am rookie coder with some experience in actionscript 2.0 a bit java knowledge and some experience with programming in processing. I am doing a course on Film and interactive design and I trying emulate a terminal/dos type database sytem for an interactive narrative, this is my most ambitious programming effort yet.

Rigtht now I am making my file tree in xml and making it accesable to processing for such functions as: creating a dir function which lists all the files and folders in the current folder, reads out their properties (extension, size, pathname); a search option which finds a file and lists its path; path changing when going to another folder. After some searching I thought it would be the most productive to start by implementing a depth first tree searching algorithm, I am having trouble implementing it though.

This how far I got so far, I am not sure if this the right way to go around it.

Any help is appriciated.

XMLElement xml; //stores the original xml tree later on
XMLElement tempXml;//stores temporary sections of xml later on
XMLElement curNode;// keeps track of the node were on
String closedList = "";// open closed lists for depth first search method
String openList = "";// maybe it should be an array
String search = "b";// node we are looking for
boolean done = false;

void setup()
  size(200, 200);
  xml = new XMLElement(this, "DirectoryTerm.xml");
  tempXml = xml;

void draw()
  int count =  tempXml.getChildCount();// how many child nodes does the current folder have
  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
     curNode = tempXml.getChild(i); // adds node id to openlist
     String name = curNode.getAttribute("node");
     openList = openList + name;

void searcher() // his compares things on the openlist with search variable
  int listLength = openList.length();
  if (listLength != 0) // only do if the list is not empty
    int curPos = openList.length()-1; // reads out open list
    char curNodeChar = openList.charAt(curPos);//
    String name = curNode.getAttribute("node");// saves node id
    openList = openList.substring(0, openList.length()-1);// remove from openlist
    closedList = closedList + name;// adds to closed list
    if (name.equals(search))// test to see if function found node
      //return name;
      println("final open list " + openList);
      println("final closed list " + closedList);
    //int futPos = openList.length()-1;
    //char futNode = openList.charAt(futPos);
    // next node in the list, but how to select it?

Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #1 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 5:08am
I found a java example of what I am trying to achieve, its got the right idea, maybe I need an external library as well to have an easier way to refer to my nodes. http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/depth_breadth_search2.htm
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #2 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 5:29am
Depth first search is normally not so hard... if you use a recursive method. I don't see any methods using recursion in your code.

Your approach should be something like this (pseudocode):


search(XMLNode, searchquery)
//search this node
//when found... return that value or print it or whatever...

foreach(child of XMLNode)
search(child, searchquery)

Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #3 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 5:47am
Yes I think I get what your saying, but the problem lies in the 'foreach', I don't know how to do it. I can get the number of children for xml nodes and I can access them individually but not in row for more than one level because XMLnode needs to be updated somehow to represent the child, that's why I am trying to work with lists which store accessed and unaccessed nodes.
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #4 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 6:25am
I can get the number of children for xml nodes and I can access them individually

So replace foreach by for (int i = 0; i < childrenNb; i++) { child = children(i); search(child, searchquery); } (that's still pseudo-code).
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #5 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 7:53am
So, I have hacked together some code, pasted below. It gives me an array out of bounds 1 <= 1 error, I am not sure why though that place in the array shouldn't be empty I think. I am probably missing something obvious.

XMLElement xml;
XMLElement child;
String search = "f";

void setup()
 xml = new XMLElement(this,"DirectoryTerm.xml");
 child = xml;
void draw()
 int childrenNo = child.getChildCount();
 for (int i = 0; i < childrenNo; i++)
   { //line 17
     child = child.getChild(i);

void searcher(XMLElement testChild)
 String name = testChild.getAttribute("node");
 if (name.equals(search))
   println("found " + name);
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #6 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 9:38am
The problem might be: child = child.getChild(i);
You cannot walk a list of children if you alter this list in the loop itself.
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #7 - Nov 22nd, 2009, 12:06pm
Thanks philho changing the lines 20 and 21 to (and setting up the new var) worked:      
grandChild = child.getChild(i);
It will still only go through the root folder and the two on top... I'm not sure why but my recursive design seems to be unable to recurse.

EDIT: I thought adding the line below at the beginning of the draw loop would fix it, but it changes nothing.
grandChild = child;
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #8 - Nov 23rd, 2009, 10:03am
If you post the contents of the xml file, I wouldn't mind fixing the code.
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #9 - Nov 23rd, 2009, 10:39am
Here is an example:


XMLElement xml;

void setup()
xml = new XMLElement(this,"test.xml");

search(xml, "file2.1.3");

void draw()

void search(XMLElement node, String query)
String name = node.getAttribute("name");

if(name != null && name.equals(query))
  println("found " + name);  

for(int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++)
  search(node.getChild(i), query);


This code is made for this example xml file:


<root name="/">
<directory name="first">
<file name="file1" />
<file name="file2" />
<file name="file3" />
<directory name="second">
<directory name="secondsubdir">
<file name="file2.1.1" />
<file name="file2.1.2" />
<file name="file2.1.3" />
<file name="file2.1" />

The xml format is not that important obviously. It's just an example.
Re: Depth first tree search, xml with Processing
Reply #10 - Nov 23rd, 2009, 2:02pm
Thanks! It works like a charm after changing it to suit my xml (different directory and different attribute). I need to have another look at the code before I get it though : ). I'll combine this with this snippit of code I just found http://processing.org/learning/topics/directorylist.html to get a working dir file and work from there to get the other functions working as well. Cool, thanks again, I'll put it up as solved.
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