YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
Bird Help??
Nov 17th , 2009, 12:16am
Hello, I am trying to make a flying, somewhat glowing bird that will somehow react to a mouse click or keyboard. I don't really know how to apply either of these. Also, I wanted to add an image in the background, but where exactly in the code to I put the code for the image?? I'm very confused about this! Here is what I have: float ang = 0, ang2 = 0, ang3 = 0, ang4 = 0; float px = 0, py = 0, pz = 0; float flapSpeed = 0.2; void setup(){ size(640, 360, P3D); noStroke(); } void draw(){ background(0); lights(); // Flight px = sin(radians(ang3)) * 170; py = cos(radians(ang3)) * 300; pz = sin(radians(ang4)) * 500; translate(width/2 + px, height/2 + py, -700+pz); rotateX(sin(radians(ang2)) * 120); rotateY(sin(radians(ang2)) * 50); rotateZ(sin(radians(ang2)) * 65); // Body fill(153); box(20, 100, 20); // Left wing fill(204); pushMatrix(); rotateY(sin(radians(ang)) * -20); rect(-75, -50, 75, 100); popMatrix(); // Right wing pushMatrix(); rotateY(sin(radians(ang)) * 20); rect(0, -50, 75, 100); popMatrix(); // Wing flap ang += flapSpeed; if (ang > 3) { flapSpeed *= -1; } if (ang < -3) { flapSpeed *= -1; } // Increment angles ang2 += 0.01; ang3 += 2.0; ang4 += 0.75; } ...Just a basic bird. But I would like to change the background to an image and make the bird react somehow to the mouse. I am making this to go with "blackbird" the song. If I could get help or suggestions, that would be absolutely wonderful! thankyou!