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Library doesn't exist (Read 2443 times)
Library doesn't exist
Nov 15th, 2009, 8:14am
I've tried installing the toxi libraries a number of times according to the terse Read Me file and the cryptic Processing error messages, but no matter what I do it always says it doesn't exist.

So, aside from the obvious of putting them in your ~/…/Processing/<sketchbook>/libraries folder (which I've already tried), what can I do to make this work?
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #1 - Nov 15th, 2009, 9:21am
I think I've just replied to you via email too - I'm really sorry to hear you're having these issues, but it seems you have simply downloaded the wrong file.

Like many other open source projects, all my libraries come as binary & source distributions. The separation has mainly to do with trying to keep file sizes down, but each release format has also a somewhat different intent:

The binary release is intended for library users and in my case is exported in a format to be readily deployable in the Processing libraries folder. This is the release version for 99% of all users...

The source release version is intended for library developers or people who simply want to hack the source code and this archive does not contain a working library JAR file.

I'm sorry if this is confusing for novices, but this is 100% standard practice in the open source world and I'm not intending to divert from this. If you want to just use a library, you usually get the binary distribution, else you grab the source and build a binary yourself...

I've just edited the version comments on the download page to make this more obvious:


To just get the libraries in a Processing ready format, download the binary releases. E.g. the current core library is here:

http://toxiclibs.googlecode.com/files/toxiclibscore-0014.zip (note the lack of "src" in the file name)

When you unzip this file you should end up with a folder structure like this:


Now simply drag & drop the entire "toxiclibscore" folder inside the "libraries" folder of your main Processing sketchbook folder (on OSX the default location is here Documents/Processing/libraries)

Once this is done, restart Processing and then you should be ready to go (this is standard procedure for any Processing library).

To get started try out the included demos in the "examples" subfolder...

For further reference about the general Processing library handling, also see here:
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #2 - Nov 15th, 2009, 11:48am
Sorry, but I had the correct version to begin with, and the Read Me file isn't clear at all; it says something quite different than what you posted here, so I tried that first. And I've also got the geomutils folder at the root level of my libraries folder in the sketchbook.

But even after trying what you suggested in your post here, the fact remains that it still gives me the same error message: "The package "toxi" does not exist. You might be missing a library.", and I'm running Processing 1.0.3.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #3 - Nov 15th, 2009, 12:22pm
Okay, I'm trying to be helpful here, but I dare to say there's some misunderstanding here. The readme file in the download has the one error in that the instructions incorrectly refer to a "geomutils" folder, which was the old name of the "toxiclibscore" package and that occurrence has somehow slipped correction. This is an oversight on my behalf and will be fixed with the next release. However, the steps I outlined in the post above are correct (and hundred times verified by myself and lots of other people) and I'm trying to understand where your problem still lies...

Therefore can you please let me know the following:

* your platform & exact version (OSX, Windows, Linux, if OSX Intel or PPC)
* your java version

The libraries require at least Java 1.5 or newer. If you're on OSX 10.4 you might still have 1.4.2 as default, check your Java Preferences in Applications > Utilities and see if JavaSE 5.0 (or 6.0) is listed (and if so, change the order so that it's on top of the list)

Also, you're still referring to a "geomutils" folder. When you downloaded the "toxiclibscore-0014.zip" archive from the URL above & unzipped it, you should have ended up with a folder called "toxiclibscore" only. Don't rename this folder, but simply drag it into the "libraries" folder and restart Processing.

Did you ever install any other Processing library?
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #4 - Nov 15th, 2009, 12:32pm
I'm running this on Mac OS X 10.4.11 PPC, running JavaSE5 as the default.

I've never installed any other processing library, I haven't changed the name of this one, and I also removed the geomutils folder. But the message still appears. Very frustrating, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #5 - Nov 15th, 2009, 3:56pm
Can you should, please, the exact path to your sketch, and the path to the toxi's library? Thanks.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #6 - Nov 15th, 2009, 4:16pm
The path to my sketch is: ~/Applications/Processing 1.0.3.app/Contents/Resources/Java/examples/Curvature1/Curvature01; and

the path to the library is: ~/Applications/Processing 1.0.3.app/Contents/Resources/Java/examples/Curvature1/Curvature01/libraries/toxi
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #7 - Nov 16th, 2009, 6:20am
Just what I was thinking...
Well, I fear I don't know how Processing is set up on Macs; but it looks like you put your sketches in Processing's install dir, which is basically a bad idea: you should separate programs and their data. Otherwise you might have a nasty surprise when you upgrade.
You have examples coming with the program, but you shouldn't mix your own sketches with them.

toxi says default sketchbook folder is Documents/Processing
The library page says: "To find the Processing sketchbook location on your computer, open the Preferences window from the Processing application and look for the "Sketchbook location" item at the top." This dialog also allows you to change this folder (need a restart).

Reminder on vocabulary: the sketchbook is the place where you put all your sketches. A sketch is a folder (in your sketchbook!) holding the .pde file(s), the data folder if any, etc.

So you are supposed to make a 'libraries' folder in the sketchbook, at the same level as your other sketches. Not in the sketch's folder itself.

I understand newcomers might trip on the vocabulary, that's why I ask for exact paths, not "~/…/Processing/<sketchbook>/libraries" which is too simplified...

Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #8 - Nov 16th, 2009, 6:48am
Hmmm…that's certainly not clear in any documentation I've read about Processing, so I guess that aspect needs some work. But in any case, now it works and I don't get that error anymore.

Now, if only someone can figure out how I can save the output (which is apparently drawn frame-by-frame with accumulating pixels) in PDF or at least 300dpi TIFF images, that would be great. I'm not a programmer, so I'm woefully unqualified to figure that out.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #9 - Nov 16th, 2009, 9:59am
You have to use save() (at display DPI, so you must increase sketch's size if you want to do 300dpi) or built-in PDF library.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #10 - Nov 16th, 2009, 10:24am
Well, this is getting off-topic, but I already have it configured to save as PDF, and that works except for the fact that the PDF files are all 4K and completely blank. I'm told it's because the output is drawn frame-by-frame, with more pixels accumulating per frame.

Supposedly, that means I can't save it as PDF, but I'm not certain of that. If you send me a private message, I can send you the code and maybe you can easily figure it out.
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #11 - Nov 16th, 2009, 1:17pm
So glad this is resolved & had actually nothing todo with my libs Smiley phew! I seemed to recall there was a sticky thread somewhere about the proper setup & usage of that main library folder, however I can't seem to find it anymore. I agree though, this should be made more prominent & I'll try to expand on my library instructions too...
Re: Library doesn't exist
Reply #12 - Nov 16th, 2009, 2:26pm
at the PDF reference Page there are all kind of different ways to save a pdf. Also one for : Many Frames Into One File (With Screen Display)
so you probably just need to find the right one for your needs.

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