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loadimage question (Read 996 times)
loadimage question
Nov 14th, 2009, 6:27pm
hey guys,
i'm new to processing and really like it.
i took one of the examples (imagebutton) adn modified it a bit to run 4 images (100x100)
based on the examples code, i cannot get any alignment with my 4 images.
i would ideally like to have them in a cross with 100px spacing on all sides, but the layouts i'm getting are funky.
any ideas? i've played with the numbers and can't get anything appealing.

void setup()
size(500, 300);
background(102, 102, 102);

// FWD
PImage b = loadImage("baseF.gif");
PImage r = loadImage("rollF.gif");
int x = width/2 - b.width/2;
int y = height/3 - b.height/3;
int w = b.width;
int h = b.height;
button = new ImageButtons(x, y, w, h, b, r);
// BWD
PImage bb = loadImage("baseB.gif");
PImage rb = loadImage("rollB.gif");
int xb = width/2 - bb.width/2;
int yb = height/1 - bb.height/1;
int wb = bb.width;
int hb = bb.height;
buttonb = new ImageButtonsb(xb, yb, wb, hb, bb, rb);
PImage bl = loadImage("baseL.gif");
PImage rl = loadImage("rollL.gif");
int xl = width/6 - bl.width/6;
int yl = height/2 - bl.height/2;
int wl = bl.width;
int hl = bl.height;
buttonl = new ImageButtonsl(xl, yl, wl, hl, bl, rl);
PImage br = loadImage("baseR.gif");
PImage rr = loadImage("rollR.gif");
int xr = width/1 - bl.width/1;
int yr = height/2 - bl.height/2;
int wr = br.width;
int hr = br.height;
buttonr = new ImageButtonsr(xr, yr, wr, hr, br, rr);

Re: loadimage question
Reply #1 - Nov 14th, 2009, 6:35pm
i didnt understand how you want them do be aligned b ut maybe imageMode(CENTER); helps you... it makes it easier.
Re: loadimage question
Reply #2 - Nov 14th, 2009, 6:43pm
they're 4 buttons: forward, back, left and right
i'd like them aligned like the buttons on a num pad.
even with loadimage (CENTER), they wouldn't align.
not even close.....
Re: loadimage question
Reply #3 - Nov 14th, 2009, 7:31pm
It looks like you need a standardized Button class, but instead you have four separate button classes.  Not that that's your question per se, but if you rewrite this with one class that uses variables to display in the correct position, you'll have much cleaner code to debug...
Re: loadimage question
Reply #4 - Nov 14th, 2009, 10:20pm
Ah, I haven't noticed, but BenHem is right, the point of having a class is to avoid duplication of code: each new ImageButton() provides a new object with parameters distinct of the others.

Now, placing the buttons. The base width/2 - b.width/2 is meant to center the button on the screen: width/2 is half the sketch's area, and if you subtract half the button's width, it is centered.
If you want your cross centered on screen, you should set your x and y coordinates to width/2 and height/2 respectively, and move from there: + or - (b.width + 100) and (b.height + 100).
Re: loadimage question
Reply #5 - Nov 15th, 2009, 1:40am
thanks for the info guys, but this is my first ever attempt.
if you look at the rest of the sketch it's one script x4.
i don't really know how to write any of this.
iif you could just point me in the right direction...... Undecided
Re: loadimage question
Reply #6 - Nov 15th, 2009, 1:52am
here's all my code. plz be gentle...
i know it can be cut down by 40-60% but it's my first...

import processing.serial.*;

ImageButtons button;
ImageButtonsb buttonb;
ImageButtonsl buttonl;
ImageButtonsr buttonr;

Serial port;

void setup()
 size(500, 500);

 // FWD
 PImage b = loadImage("baseF.gif");
 PImage r = loadImage("rollF.gif");
 int x = width/2 - b.width/2;
 int y = height/2 - (b.height +100);
 int w = b.width;
 int h = b.height;
 button = new ImageButtons(x, y, w, h, b, r);
 // BWD
 PImage bb = loadImage("baseB.gif");
 PImage rb = loadImage("rollB.gif");
 int xb = width/2 - bb.width/2;
 int yb = height/2 - (bb.height - 200);
 int wb = bb.width;
 int hb = bb.height;
 buttonb = new ImageButtonsb(xb, yb, wb, hb, bb, rb);
 // LEFT
 PImage bl = loadImage("baseL.gif");
 PImage rl = loadImage("rollL.gif");
 int xl = width/2 - (bl.width + 100);
 int yl = height/2 - (bl.height - 50);
 int wl = bl.width;
 int hl = bl.height;
 buttonl = new ImageButtonsl(xl, yl, wl, hl, bl, rl);
 PImage br = loadImage("baseR.gif");
 PImage rr = loadImage("rollR.gif");
 int xr = width/2 - (br.width - 200);
 int yr = height/2 - (br.height - 50);
 int wr = br.width;
 int hr = br.height;
 buttonr = new ImageButtonsr(xr, yr, wr, hr, br, rr);
 // Serial
 port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

void draw()
// FWD Class
class Button
 int x, y;
 int w, h;
 color basecolor, highlightcolor;
 color currentcolor;
 boolean over = false;

 boolean overRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
   if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width &&
mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) {
return true;
   else {
return false;
// BWD Class
class Buttonb
 int xb, yb;
 int wb, hb;
 color basecolor, highlightcolor;
 color currentcolor;
 boolean over = false;

 boolean overRect(int xb, int yb, int width, int height) {
   if (mouseX >= xb && mouseX <= xb+width &&
mouseY >= yb && mouseY <= yb+height) {
return true;
   else {
return false;
// LEFT Class
class Buttonl
 int xl, yl;
 int wl, hl;
 color basecolor, highlightcolor;
 color currentcolor;
 boolean over = false;

 boolean overRect(int xl, int yl, int width, int height) {
   if (mouseX >= xl && mouseX <= xl+width &&
mouseY >= yl && mouseY <= yl+height) {
return true;
   else {
return false;
// RIGHT Class
class Buttonr
 int xr, yr;
 int wr, hr;
 color basecolor, highlightcolor;
 color currentcolor;
 boolean over = false;

 boolean overRect(int xr, int yr, int width, int height) {
   if (mouseX >= xr && mouseX <= xr+width &&
mouseY >= yr && mouseY <= yr+height) {
return true;
   else {
return false;

// End for FWD
class ImageButtons extends Button
 PImage base;
 PImage roll;
 PImage currentimage;

 ImageButtons(int ix, int iy, int iw, int ih, PImage ibase, PImage iroll)
   x = ix;
   y = iy;
   w = iw;
   h = ih;
   base = ibase;
   roll = iroll;
   currentimage = base;

 void update()
   if (over){
currentimage = roll;
   else {
currentimage = base;

 void over()
   if( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true;
   else {
over = false;

 void display()
   image(currentimage, x, y);

// End for BWD
class ImageButtonsb extends Buttonb
 PImage base;
 PImage roll;
 PImage currentimage;

 ImageButtonsb(int ixb, int iyb, int iwb, int ihb, PImage ibase, PImage iroll)
   xb = ixb;
   yb = iyb;
   wb = iwb;
   hb = ihb;
   base = ibase;
   roll = iroll;
   currentimage = base;

 void update()
   if (over){
currentimage = roll;
   else {
currentimage = base;

 void over()
   if( overRect(xb, yb, wb, hb) ) {
over = true;
   else {
over = false;

 void display()
   image(currentimage, xb, yb);
// End for LEFT
class ImageButtonsl extends Buttonl
 PImage base;
 PImage roll;
 PImage currentimage;

 ImageButtonsl(int ixl, int iyl, int iwl, int ihl, PImage ibase, PImage iroll)
   xl = ixl;
   yl = iyl;
   wl = iwl;
   hl = ihl;
   base = ibase;
   roll = iroll;
   currentimage = base;

 void update()
   if (over){
currentimage = roll;
   else {
currentimage = base;

 void over()
   if( overRect(xl, yl, wl, hl) ) {
over = true;
   else {
over = false;

 void display()
   image(currentimage, xl, yl);

// End for RIGHT
class ImageButtonsr extends Buttonr
 PImage base;
 PImage roll;
 PImage currentimage;

 ImageButtonsr(int ixr, int iyr, int iwr, int ihr, PImage ibase, PImage iroll)
   xr = ixr;
   yr = iyr;
   wr = iwr;
   hr = ihr;
   base = ibase;
   roll = iroll;
   currentimage = base;

 void update()
   if (over){
currentimage = roll;
   else {
currentimage = base;

 void over()
   if( overRect(xr, yr, wr, hr) ) {
over = true;
Re: loadimage question
Reply #7 - Nov 15th, 2009, 2:49am
Looks like you ran into the post limit - we didn't get all your code.

Anyway that doesn't really matter: as has already been suggested you've got a lot of duplication of effort.

First off you have several base classes all doing the same thing.  You really only need one and can extend all the other classes from a single class.  Having said that you should only need a single button class, to which you pass parameters to produce individually placed objects.

It looks like one main difference between your different classes is what gets sent in port.write().  So why not simply create additional properties for a single class to allow this to be passed as a parameter when the class object is created?  I'll try and hack together an example of what I mean...
Re: loadimage question
Reply #8 - Nov 15th, 2009, 3:16am
Hopefully you should find the following does the same as your extended code.  It didn't take much work - mostly a matter of deleting a lot of duplicated code!

Notice how there's just one Button and one ImageButtons class: the point of classes is to avoid duplication of effort and to make it easy to create multiple, similar objects simply by passing appropriate properties when they are created.  By necessity this means that anything that might change between an object is stored as a property within it...

Also notice that I've added a Button constructor:

  Button(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;
   this.w = w;
   this.h = h;

and called this in the subClass with "super(x,y,w,h);".  'super' simply references the parent class constructor.  As well as saving time this is a way to ensure any child classes comply with the requirements of the base class - i.e. that all necessary properties are set.  It may be that the 'strRoll' and 'strBase' properties I added to the ImageButtons class should belong in Button...

import processing.serial.*; 

ImageButtons button;
ImageButtons buttonb;
ImageButtons buttonl;
ImageButtons buttonr;

Serial port;

void setup() {
 size(500, 500);

 // FWD
 PImage b = loadImage("baseF.gif");
 PImage r = loadImage("rollF.gif");
 int x = width/2 - b.width/2;
 int y = height/2 - (b.height +100);
 int w = b.width;
 int h = b.height;
 button = new ImageButtons(x, y, w, h, b, r, "F", "f");
 // BWD
 PImage bb = loadImage("baseB.gif");
 PImage rb = loadImage("rollB.gif");
 int xb = width/2 - bb.width/2;
 int yb = height/2 - (bb.height - 200);
 int wb = bb.width;
 int hb = bb.height;
 buttonb = new ImageButtons(xb, yb, wb, hb, bb, rb, "B", "b");
 // LEFT
 PImage bl = loadImage("baseL.gif");
 PImage rl = loadImage("rollL.gif");
 int xl = width/2 - (bl.width + 100);
 int yl = height/2 - (bl.height - 50);
 int wl = bl.width;
 int hl = bl.height;
 buttonl = new ImageButtons(xl, yl, wl, hl, bl, rl, "L", "l");
 PImage br = loadImage("baseR.gif");
 PImage rr = loadImage("rollR.gif");
 int xr = width/2 - (br.width - 200);
 int yr = height/2 - (br.height - 50);
 int wr = br.width;
 int hr = br.height;
 buttonr = new ImageButtons(xr, yr, wr, hr, br, rr, "R", "r");
 // Serial
 port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);

void draw() {
// FWD Class
class Button {
 int x, y;
 int w, h;
 color basecolor, highlightcolor;
 color currentcolor;
 boolean over = false;

 Button(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;
   this.w = w;
   this.h = h;

 boolean overRect(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
   if (mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+width &&
mouseY >= y && mouseY <= y+height) {
return true;
   else {
return false;

class ImageButtons extends Button {
 PImage base;
 PImage roll;
 PImage currentimage;
 String strRoll;
 String strBase;

 ImageButtons(int x, int y, int w, int h, PImage base, PImage roll, String strRoll, String strBase) {
   this.base = base;
   this.roll = roll;
   this.currentimage = base;
   this.strRoll = strRoll;
   this.strBase = strBase;

 void update() {
   if (over){
currentimage = roll;
   else {
currentimage = base;

 void over() {
   if( overRect(x, y, w, h) ) {
over = true;
   else {
over = false;

 void display() {
   image(currentimage, x, y);
Re: loadimage question
Reply #9 - Nov 15th, 2009, 4:11am
the difference in size is incredible.
time to do some studying.... Smiley
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