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New Example (Read 1169 times)
New Example
Nov 12th, 2009, 5:27pm
I whipped up this simple example, and I thought it could be included in the Processing distribution. It is an example of how to do 3D without a 3D renderer, for things that don't need a full blown 3D renderer. It's called Starmap because it reminds me of space themed RPG starmaps. If accepted, the code would be public domain. I think it should go under Basics->Transform, not under the 3D menu as it is not explaining how to use Processing's built in 3D code.

* Starmap
* by Jason Koenig.  
* A rotatable view of a random starmap
* created using trigonometric functions
* to control projection. 3D effect with
* a 2D renderer. Shows how to click drag
* to rotate a 3D view.

float theta = 0.0, phi = PI/4;//view variables: theta is vertical rotation around z-axis, while
                             //phi is angle between view and vertical.
float mapscale = 6.5;//the scale in screen space
Point origin = new Point(0,0,0);  //the point the center the view on in world space
//    origin = new Point(10,10,0);//try this instead
Point offset = new Point(100,100,0);//where on the screen to draw the screen.
Point[] points;//our star locations
void setup()
 points = new Point[20];//twenty stars
 for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
   points[i] = new Point(random(-10,10),random(-10,10),random(-10,10));//generate a random map
void draw()
 for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)//for each point
   Point p = project(points[i]);
   drawline(p,project(new Point(points[i].x,points[i].y,0)));//draw the drop down line
   drawpoint(p);//draw the point itself
 Point a = project(new Point(-10,10,0));
 Point b = project(new Point(-10,-10,0));
 Point c = project(new Point(10,-10,0));
 Point d = project(new Point(10,10,0));
 drawline(a,b);//draw the base plane.
int mouseXPrev, mouseYPrev;
void mouseMoved()//required for proper updating of the mouseXprev and mouseYPrev variables.
 mouseXPrev = mouseX;
 mouseYPrev = mouseY;
void mouseDragged()// handles rotation of the view
 theta += -TWO_PI * float(mouseX-mouseXPrev)/width;
 phi += PI * float(mouseY-mouseYPrev)/height;
 mouseXPrev = mouseX;
 mouseYPrev = mouseY;
 redraw();//update the view
void drawpoint(Point p)
void drawline(Point a,Point b)
Point project(Point in) //project from worldspace to screen space. simple ortho projection.
 Point f = origin.to(in);
 float xp =  f.x*cos(theta) + f.y*sin(theta);
 float yp = -f.x*sin(theta) + f.y*cos(theta);
 yp *= cos(phi);
 return new Point(offset.x+xp*mapscale,offset.y+yp*mapscale+f.z*mapscale*sin(phi),0.0);
class Point // simple container for 3D coordinates
 public float x,y,z;
 public Point() {x = y = z = 0.0;};
 public Point(float _x, float _y, float _z) {x = _x; y = _y; z = _z;};
 public Point to(Point p) {return new Point(p.x-x,p.y-y,p.z-z);};
Re: New Example
Reply #1 - Nov 13th, 2009, 4:58am
Well, I don't know how the authors choose their examples from third party, but maybe it can help if you choose to use their classes instead of yours (I think of PVector in place of Point).
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