hi there, hoping there's an easy fix for this issue that i've looked over.
i'm using saito's objloader library to define a volume in which a particular interaction can occur. to do this i need to find determine whether a given point is inside an imported, solid, polygon array.
using the rule that a ray from a point within a polygon will have an odd number of intersections, while a point outside will have an even number, i'm using this geometry to find the intersections of a ray and each planar section of the solid.
however, this gives all the intersections on each infinite plane, and i only need the intersections within the planar polygon.
has anyone encountered this issue and found a quick solution? i can't quite fathom an operation with 3D rotations about the normal.
below is the code i've hacked together to define the intersections
int intersection_count = 0;
//define ray from point/particle
PVector v1 = new PVector (particle.loc.x, particle.loc.y, particle.loc.z-10);
// where j gets model, k gets segment, l gets face, m gets vertex
// this is just getting the normal and vertexes of each face
for (int j = 0; j < models.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < models[j].getSegmentSize(); k++) {
for (int l = 0; l < models[j].getIndexCountInSegment(k); l++) {
int normalIndex = (models[j].getNormalIndexArrayInSegment(k,l)[0]);
PVector faceNormal = (PVector) models[j].getNormal(normalIndex);
faceNormal = (PVector) models[j].getNormal(normalIndex);
PVector[] faceVertexes = new PVector[models[j].getVertIndexArrayInSegment(k,l).length];
for (int m = 0; m < models[j].getVertIndexArrayInSegment(k,l).length; m++) {
int index = (models[j].getVertIndexArrayInSegment(k,l)[m]);
PVector faceVector = (PVector) models[j].getVertex(index);
faceVertexes[m] = new PVector(faceVector.x,faceVector.y,faceVector.z);
// define intersection between ray and plane
PVector top = new PVector (faceVertexes[0].x - particle.loc.x, faceVertexes[0].y - particle.loc.y, faceVertexes[0].z - particle.loc.z);
PVector intersectionVector1 = new PVector (v1.x - particle.loc.x, v1.y - particle.loc.y, v1.z - particle.loc.z);
float u = (faceNormal.dot(top)/faceNormal.dot(intersectionVector1));
// this anglesum function only works in 2D, something of a problem
if (intersectionVector1.x <= particle.loc.x) {
float interior_check = angleSum(faceVertexes,intersectionVector1);
if ((interior_check <= 360 + 1) && (interior_check >= 360 - 1)) {
//println("intcheck " + interior_check + " " + i);
and the point inside polygon function that only works in 2D:
Code:float angleSum(PVector[] polySegments, PVector tempPosition) {
PVector[] p = polySegments;
int n = p.length;
PVector q = tempPosition;
float anglesum = 0;
double costhetad = 0;
PVector v1 = new PVector(0,0,0);
PVector v2 = new PVector(0,0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
v1 = PVector.sub(p[i], q);
v2 = PVector.sub(p[(i+1)%n],q);
costhetad = PVector.angleBetween(v1, v2);
float costheta = (float)costhetad;
anglesum += (costheta);