First, your XML is broken...
<width_ball ="45"/> is not a valid XML tag. It should be either
<width_ball value="45"/> or
_ball part is, BTW, a bit redundant since this tag is inside a
ball tag.
The proXML library seems broken when I need to get a textual value from a tag (the second form). I cannot find, in the library, an example of such XML form and even less an extraction of this value. All I get is a null value.
That, or I am too dumb to figure out how to do it...
I don't have time or will to debug the library to see who is wrong.
Anyway, I will take the easy solution, since you control the format of the XML file!
So, instead of
Code:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
I will create
Code:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<dimensions width="45" height="200"/>
<dimensions width="100" height="112"/>
which becomes close of the example given on the site...
I can read this file with:
Code:import proxml.*;
XMLInOut xmlIO;
ArrayList balls = new ArrayList();
void setup()
xmlIO = new XMLInOut(this);
void xmlEvent(proxml.XMLElement element)
proxml.XMLElement[] ballElts = element.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < ballElts.length;i++)
proxml.XMLElement ballElt = ballElts[i];
proxml.XMLElement param = ballElt.getChild(0);
if (!param.getName().equals("dimensions"))
continue; // Ignore unknown child
int bw = param.getIntAttribute("width");
int bh = param.getIntAttribute("height");
println("Dim " + bw + " " + bh);
Ball ball = new Ball(bw, bh);
void draw()
for (int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++)
Ball b = (Ball) balls.get(i);
class Ball
int ballWidth;
int ballHeight;
int x, y;
color c;
Ball(int bw, int bh)
ballWidth = bw;
ballHeight = bh;
x = int(random(bw, width - bw));
y = int(random(bh, width - bh));
c = color(random(50, 200), random(100, 200), random(200, 255));
void display()
ellipse(x, y, ballWidth, ballHeight);
Funnily, I wanted to use a simple array and append() but I couldn't make Processing to append to an empty array... Oh well.