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need help asap...project due tomorrow :( (Read 596 times)
need help asap...project due tomorrow :(
Nov 4th, 2009, 5:17pm
okay so i am almost done with this project for school but for some reason every time i release the mouse it is re-initializing the orbs in my program. the easiest way to understand this is to copy the code below and try it. i can't figure out why it is re-initializing any help would be amazing. thanks Smiley

edit: use the code from this post and the 2 replys or it wont run Smiley

int collisionDist = 50; //distance that orbs collide at
int listener; // tells which orb is selected

int lvl = 1;

Orb[] orbs;
int orbcount;
Point[] p;
float[] orbsx;
float[] orbsy;

int orbsize = 50; //width and height of each orb

boolean once = true; //bool variable to run code once during a given situation
boolean once2 = true;

int[] xtrail = new int[orbsize]; //array for x values of the trail effect
int[] ytrail = new int[orbsize]; //array for y values of the trail effect

PFont font;

///////////////////////////////////////           SETUP             ////////////////////////////////////////////

void setup(){

 //here i'm initializing the x and y trail array
 for (int i = 0; i < xtrail.length; i ++ ) {
   xtrail[i] = 0;
   ytrail[i] = 0;

 font = loadFont("Helvetica-40.vlw");

} // end setup

///////////////////////////////////////            DRAW             ////////////////////////////////////////////

void draw(){

} // end draw

///////////////////////////////////////        CUSTOM FUNCTIONS     ////////////////////////////////////////////
void initGame(){
   lvl = 0;
   text("Welcome to UnTangle! The point is to move the orbs around the screen", 10, height/2);
   text("so that none of the lines intersect. Press any key to start the game, and enjoy!", 10, height/2+50);
   while(keyPressed != true){
     lvl = 1;

void runGame(int lvl2){
 if(once == true){
     case 1:
       orbcount = 5; //number of orbs on screen
     case 2:
       orbcount = 15;
     case 3:
       orbcount = 20;
     case 4:
       orbcount = 25;
     case 5:
       orbcount = 30;
     case 6:
       orbcount = 35;
     case 7:
       orbcount = 40;
     case 8:
       orbcount = 45;
     case 9:
       orbcount = 50;
     case 10:
       orbcount = 55;
     case 11:
       orbcount = 100;

   p = new Point[orbcount];
   int intersectcount = 0;

   orbs = new Orb[orbcount]; //orbs array
   orbsx = new float[orbcount]; //array for initial x locations for each orb
   orbsy = new float[orbcount]; //array for initial y locations for each orb

   //here i'm assigning orbsx and orbsy values for the initial start values for each orb
   for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){
     orbsx[i] = round(random(orbsize/2,width-orbsize/2));
     orbsy[i] = round(random(orbsize/2,height-orbsize/2));
     orbs[i] = new Orb(orbsx[i],orbsy[i],orbsize);
   for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){
     p[i] = new Point(orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby);
   once = false;

 if(testCompletion() == false){

   //displaying the orbs
   for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){

   //initializing p array with orb x and y values
   for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){
     p[i] = new Point(orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby);
     //println(p[i].x + ", " + p[i].y);

   //spreading out the orbs so they don't overlap
   for(int i=0; i<orbs.length; i++){

   for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){

     if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby) < 25 && mousePressed){
       orbs[i].orbx = mouseX;
       orbs[i].orby = mouseY;
       for(int x=0; x<orbs.length; x++){

       for (int x = 45; x < xtrail.length-1; x ++ ) {
         xtrail[x] = xtrail[x+1];
         ytrail[x] = ytrail[x+1];
       xtrail[xtrail.length-1] = mouseX;
       ytrail[ytrail.length-1] = mouseY;

       for (int t = 45 ; t < xtrail.length; t ++ ) {
       orbs[i].activated = true;
       orbs[i].listening = true;
     else if(!mousePressed){
       orbs[i].activated = false;

   int temp = 0;
   for(int j=0; j< orbcount; j++) {
     int temp1 = j+1;
     if(temp1 == orbcount){
       temp1 = 0;
     line(p[j].x,p[j].y, p[temp1].x,p[temp1].y);
     for(int i=0; i< orbcount; i++) if(i!=j) {
       int temp2 = i+1;
       if(temp2 == orbcount){
         temp2 = 0;
       Point pt=findIntersection(p[i],p[temp2], p[j],p[temp1]);
       if(pt != null && (pt != p[i] || pt != p[j] || pt != p[temp1] || pt != p[temp2])){

Re: need help asap...project due tomorrow :(
Reply #1 - Nov 4th, 2009, 5:18pm
else if(testCompletion() == true){

//displaying the orbs
for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length; i++){
rect(width/2, height/2, 360,200);

text("You Win!", width/2-75, height/2);

//fixOverlap is a function to spread out the orbs so they dont overap eachother
void fixOverlap(int temp){
for(int i=0; i<orbs.length; i++){
if (i != temp){
float tdist = dist(orbs[temp].orbx, orbs[temp].orby, orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby);
if(tdist < collisionDist){
float originx = orbs[temp].orbx - orbs[i].orbx;
float originy = orbs[temp].orby - orbs[i].orby;
float theta = atan2(originy, originx);
float newx = collisionDist * -cos(theta) + orbs[temp].orbx;
float newy = collisionDist * -sin(theta) + orbs[temp].orby;
orbs[i].orbx = newx;
orbs[i].orby = newy;
//orbs[i].activated = true;

//this function detects collisions between the selected orb and any other orb
void detectCollision(int temp){
for(int i=0; i<orbs.length; i++){
if (i != listener){
float tdist = dist(orbs[listener].orbx, orbs[listener].orby, orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby);
if(tdist < collisionDist-1){
float originx = orbs[listener].orbx - orbs[i].orbx;
float originy = orbs[listener].orby - orbs[i].orby;
float theta = atan2(originy, originx);
float newx = collisionDist * -cos(theta) + orbs[listener].orbx;
//newx = constrain(newx, 0+orbsize/2, width-orbsize/2);
float newy = collisionDist * -sin(theta) + orbs[listener].orby;
//newy = constrain(newy, 0+orbsize/2, height-orbsize/2);
orbs[i].orbx = newx;
orbs[i].orby = newy;
orbs[i].activated = true;

//this function detects collisions between any of the orbs other than the selected orb
void detectCollisionByOthers(int temp){
for(int i=0; i<orbs.length; i++){
if (i != temp){
float tdist = dist(orbs[temp].orbx, orbs[temp].orby, orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby);
if(tdist < collisionDist-1){
float originx = orbs[temp].orbx - orbs[i].orbx;
float originy = orbs[temp].orby - orbs[i].orby;
float theta = atan2(originy, originx);
float newx = collisionDist * -cos(theta) + orbs[temp].orbx;
//newx = constrain(newx, 0+orbsize/2, width-orbsize/2);
float newy = collisionDist * -sin(theta) + orbs[temp].orby;
//newy = constrain(newy, 0+orbsize/2, height-orbsize/2);
orbs[i].orbx = newx;
orbs[i].orby = newy;
orbs[i].activated = true;

//reloads once variable whenthe mouse is released
void mouseReleased(){
once = true;

// finds which orb is selected
void findListener(){
for(int i=0; i<orbs.length; i++){
listener = i;

void drawLines(){
for(int i = 0; i < orbs.length-1; i++){
line(orbs[i].orbx, orbs[i].orby,orbs[i+1].orbx, orbs[i+1].orby);
line(orbs[0].orbx, orbs[0].orby,orbs[orbs.length-1].orbx, orbs[orbs.length-1].orby);


boolean testCompletion(){
int temp = 0;
boolean temp3 = false;
for(int j=0; j< orbcount; j++) {
int temp1 = j+1;
if(temp1 == orbcount){
temp1 = 0;
line(p[j].x,p[j].y, p[temp1].x,p[temp1].y);
for(int i=0; i< orbcount; i++) if(i!=j) {
int temp2 = i+1;
if(temp2 == orbcount){
temp2 = 0;
Point pt=findIntersection(p[i],p[temp2], p[j],p[temp1]);
if(pt != null && (pt != p[i] || pt != p[j] || pt != p[temp1] || pt != p[temp2])){
if(temp == orbcount*2){
temp3 = true;
return temp3;
//this function borrowed from this example:
// http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1252607024/1

Point findIntersection(Point p1,Point p2,
Point p3,Point p4) {
float xD1,yD1,xD2,yD2,xD3,yD3;
float dot,deg,len1,len2;
float segmentLen1,segmentLen2;
float ua,ub,div;

// calculate differences

// calculate the lengths of the two lines

// calculate angle between the two lines.
dot=(xD1*xD2+yD1*yD2); // dot product

// if abs(angle)==1 then the lines are parallell,
// so no intersection is possible
if(abs(deg)==1) return null;

// find intersection Pt between two lines
Point pt=new Point(0,0);

// calculate the combined length of the two segments
// between Pt-p1 and Pt-p2

// calculate the combined length of the two segments
// between Pt-p3 and Pt-p4

// if the lengths of both sets of segments are the same as
// the lenghts of the two lines the point is actually
// on the line segment.

// if the point isnÔøΩt on the line, return null
if(abs(len1-segmentLen1)>0.01 || abs(len2-segmentLen2)>0.01)
return null;

// return the valid intersection
return pt;
class Point{
float x,y;
Point(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

void set(float x, float y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Re: need help asap...project due tomorrow :(
Reply #2 - Nov 4th, 2009, 5:19pm
class Orb{
boolean listening;
float orbx;
float orby;
float orbdia;
boolean activated;
float[] xvals = new float[360];
float[] yvals = new float[360];

Orb(float x, float y, float dia){
orbx = x;
orby = y;
orbdia = dia;
activated = false;


void display(){
if(activated == false){
else if(activated == true){

ellipse(orbx, orby, 50,50);

Re: need help asap...project due tomorrow :(
Reply #3 - Nov 4th, 2009, 5:53pm
hmm everytime the mouse is released it is re-initializing...
good point to start is mouseReleased then...

just remove what is in there (once=true) , and it seems to work.

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