YaBB Newbies
Posts: 1
Help with collision
Nov 4th , 2009, 9:56am
I am new to processing and have been tinkering with the flock demo. I would like to repel the 'dots' with the mouse but am unsure as to how I should do this. I know I need to create a collision and have added an ellipse around the mouse but can not repel the dots successfully. Can anyone help?The Dot is created in a seperate tab- class Dot{ // define a new class float diameter; color c; PVector pos; // position PVector vel; // velocity PVector acc; // acceleration float mouseFactor = 0.05; // strength of mouse attraction //karen change from 0.1 // cohesion variables float cohesionFactor = 0.05; //karen change from 0.2 float cohesionRadius = 40; // alignment variables float alignFactor = 0.1; float alignRadius = 40; // separation variables float separationFactor = 10; // karen change from 1.5 float separationRadius = 25; // karen change from 25 // speed limit float maxVel = 2; //karen change from 5 // friction float frictionFactor = 0.95; Dot(PVector _pos, float _diameter){ // constructor function has same name as class // constructor gets called when we make a new Dot pos = _pos; diameter = _diameter; vel = new PVector(random(-5,5),random(-5,5),0); // random initial velocity c = color(random(100,200),random(100,200),random(100,200)); // random initial colour //karen changed from 100-255 less pastel acc = new PVector(0,0,0); // set acceleration to 0 } void run(){ // the main function - calls all the other behaviours and updates position and acceleration steerMouse(); // steer to mouse factor bounce(); cohesion(); // cohesion factor, radius separation(); // separation factor, radius alignment(); friction(); speedLimit(); render(); vel.add(acc); // update the velocity vector - add the current acceleration vector pos.add(vel); // update the position - add the current velocity vector acc.mult(0); // reset acceleration to 0 } void render(){ // draw the dot fill(c); ellipse(pos.x,pos.y,diameter,diameter); } void bounce(){ if (pos.x > width || pos.x < 0){ // if x pos is greater than right hand edge OR less than left hand edge vel.set(vel.x*-1,vel.y,0); // bounce off the edge } if (pos.y > height || pos.y < 0) { // if y pos is greater than bottom edge OR less than top edge vel.set(vel.x,vel.y*-1,0); } } void steerMouse(){ PVector mousePos = new PVector (mouseX,mouseY,0); // make a new vector based on the mouse position PVector toMouse = PVector.sub(mousePos,pos); // make a vector that point towards the mouse by subtracting vectors toMouse.normalize(); // scales the magnitude of the vector to 1 toMouse.mult(mouseFactor); // multiplies the vector by the mouseFactor argument - which defines the strength of the mouse influence acc.add(toMouse); // add the toMouse force to our current acceleration } void separation(){ for (int i=0; i<Dots.size(); i++){ // run through the arraylist Dot Neighbour = (Dot) Dots.get(i); // get each Dot float distance = PVector.dist(pos,Neighbour.pos); if (distance < separationRadius){ // if this Dot is within our separation range then PVector toNeighbour = PVector.sub(pos,Neighbour.pos); // make a vector from the neighbour toNeighbour.normalize(); // scale it to 1 // now scale it according to distance, so that it's strong at close range, and reduces to 0 at the separation radius // then multiply it by the separationFactor, which allows us to control the overal strength of the separation force toNeighbour.mult(((separationRadius-distance)/separationRadius)*separationFactor ); acc.add(toNeighbour); // add the separation force to the acceleration } } } void cohesion(){ // each agent steers towards the average position of its neighbours PVector avePos = new PVector(); // PVector to store average position int neighbourcount = 0; // int to count the number of neighbours for (int i=0; i<Dots.size(); i++){ Dot Neighbour = (Dot) Dots.get(i); float distance = PVector.dist(pos,Neighbour.pos); if (distance < cohesionRadius){ avePos.add(Neighbour.pos); neighbourcount++; } } avePos.div(neighbourcount); // divide by num neighbours to get the average - the center position of our near neighbours PVector toCenter = PVector.sub(avePos,pos); // make a vector to that point toCenter.normalize(); // scale it to 1 toCenter.mult(cohesionFactor); // multiply by cohesion factor acc.add(toCenter); // add the cohesion force to the acceleration } void alignment(){ PVector aveVel = new PVector(); // PVector to store average velocity of our neighbours for (int i=0; i<Dots.size(); i++){ Dot Neighbour = (Dot) Dots.get(i); float distance = PVector.dist(pos,Neighbour.pos); if (distance < alignRadius){ // if the dot is within our alignment range aveVel.add(Neighbour.vel); // add its velocity to the average } } aveVel.normalize(); aveVel.mult(alignFactor); acc.add(aveVel); } void speedLimit(){ if (vel.mag() > maxVel){ // if you're going faster than the speed limit vel.normalize(vel).mult(maxVel); // scale your velocity back to the limit } } void friction(){ vel.mult(frictionFactor); // multiply velocity by the friction factor } }This is the primary tab ArrayList Dots = new ArrayList(); void setup(){ size(800,800); background(255); noStroke(); smooth(); } //add ellipse around mouse void draw(){ background(255); noFill(); noStroke(); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,30,30); for (int i=0; i<Dots.size(); i++){ // step through the arraylist - size() gets the size of the arraylist Dot tempD = (Dot) Dots.get(i); // get an object out of the list, put it in