YaBB Newbies
Posts: 49
Geomerative Library
Oct 21st , 2009, 7:59am
Hi, I am quite new to processing and can't seem to get the answer to this query anywhere. My apologies about this. I am trying to get an applet working. However, there is probably some slight syntax error. It uses the Geomerative library which can downloaded here: http://www.ricardmarxer.com/geomerative/ The issue is that I keep getting Null Pointer exceptions. I can not work out why as I have put the relevant ttf file in my data folder. The code I have is here: [code]/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2005 Ricard Marxer Piñón email (at) ricardmarxer.com http://www.ricardmarxer.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------- Built with Processing (Beta) v098 uses Geomerative (Alpha) v004 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Created 17 January 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------- hilos ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ //import processing.opengl.*; import geomerative.*; RFont f; RGroup grupo; Particle[] psys; int numPoints, numParticles; float toldist = 20; float maxvel; float maxalph; float backalpha; boolean restart = true; float t=0; //------------------------ Runtime properties ---------------------------------- // Save each frame boolean SAVEVIDEO = false; boolean SAVEFRAME = false; boolean APPLICATION = false; String DEFAULTAPPLETRENDERER = P3D; int DEFAULTAPPLETWIDTH = 680; int DEFAULTAPPLETHEIGHT = 480; String DEFAULTAPPLICRENDERER = OPENGL; int DEFAULTAPPLICWIDTH = 800; int DEFAULTAPPLICHEIGHT = 600; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The text to be written String STRNG = "Srings"; // The font to be used String FONT = "Thonburi.ttf"; // The inertie of the particles float INERTIE[] = { 0.5, 1.3}; // The coefficient with which to reach the target float TARGET[] = { 0.028, 0.029}; // The trail coefficient: 0 no trail - 1 infinite trail float TRAILCOEFF = 0.96; // The brightness coefficient: 0 no brightness - 1 full brightness float BRIGHTCOEFF = 0.7; // The brightness error coefficient: inf no error in brightness (the brightness is completely independent on the velocity) float BRIGHTERRCOEFF = 2.2;//1.2; // The velocity of the drawing int VELOCITY = 2; String newString = ""; void setup(){ int w = DEFAULTAPPLICWIDTH, h = DEFAULTAPPLICHEIGHT; String r = DEFAULTAPPLICRENDERER; if(!APPLICATION){ // Specify the widtha and height at runtime w = int(param("width")); h = int(param("height")); r = (String)param("renderer"); // (String) will return null if param("renderer") doesn't exist if (r != OPENGL && r != P3D && r != JAVA2D && r != P2D) { r = DEFAULTAPPLETRENDERER; } // int() will return 0 if param("width") doesn't exist if (w <= 0) { w = DEFAULTAPPLETWIDTH; } // int() will return 0 if param("height") doesn't exist if (h <= 0) { h = DEFAULTAPPLETHEIGHT; } } size(w,h,r); frameRate(25); try{ smooth(); } catch(Exception e){ } background(0); f = new RFont(this,FONT,372,RFont.CENTER); initialize(); } void draw(){ translate(width/2, height/2); noStroke(); fill(0, backalpha); rect(-width/2, -height/2, width, height); for(int j=0;j<VELOCITY;j++){ for(int i=0;i<numParticles;i++){ psys[i].update(grupo); psys[i].draw(g); } } INERTIE[0] = 0.75*float(constrain(mouseX,1,width))/float(width); INERTIE[1] = INERTIE[0]+ 0.4*float(constrain(mouseX,1,width))/float(width); TARGET[0] = 0.4*float(constrain(mouseY,1,height))/float(height); TARGET[1] = TARGET[0]+ 0.5*float(constrain(mouseY,1,height))/float(height); t++; if(SAVEVIDEO) saveFrame("hilos-####.tga"); toldist += 0.009; } void initialize(){ maxvel = width/90 * constrain(BRIGHTERRCOEFF,0.01,BRIGHTERRCOEFF) * (6F/(STRNG.length()+1)); maxalph = constrain(BRIGHTCOEFF,0,1)*255; backalpha = 255-constrain(TRAILCOEFF,0,1)*255; toldist = 20; grupo = f.toGroup(STRNG); RCommand.setSegmentStep(2); RCommand.setSegmentator(RCommand.UNIFORMSTEP); grupo = grupo.toPolygonGroup(); grupo.centerIn(g, 10, 1, 1); RPoint[] ps = grupo.getPoints(); numPoints = ps.length; numParticles = floor(numPoints); int lasthuev = int(random(0,255)); psys = new Particle[numParticles]; for(int i=0;i<numParticles;i++){ int huev = lasthuev + int(random(-12,12)); huev = (huev + 255) % 255; lasthuev = huev; psys[i] = new Particle(g,i,huev); psys[i].pos = new RPoint(ps[i]); } } void keyReleased(){ if(keyCode==ENTER){ STRNG = newString; newString = ""; initialize(); } else if(keyCode==BACKSPACE){ if(newString.length() !=0 ){ newString = newString.substring(0,newString.length()-1); } } else if(keyCode!=SHIFT){ newString += key; } } void mousePressed(){ saveFrame(STRNG+".tga"); } public class Particle{ // Velocity RPoint vel; // Position RPoint pos; RPoint lastpos; // Caracteristics int col; int hueval; float sz; // ID int id; // Constructor public Particle(PGraph