YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
need help big time
Oct 19th , 2009, 3:19pm
Hello to whoever is reading this. I'm new at this, so please help me. These length of codes are supported to do when every time a key is pressed, a letter and associated image are shown on the screen. Plus, when another key is pressed, the previous letter and image are hidden. Every time a key is pressed a letter is shown on the screen; however, the associated image is not shown on the screen. I don't know how to make it works. PFont font; //store font data //int letterSize = 100; char letter = 'a'; //Declare variable letter of data type char and assign a to letter int maxImages = 26; // Total # of images int imageIndex = 1; // Initial image to be displayed is the first PImage img; //images are stored in variables of the PImage data type void setup() //the code inside setup() runs once when the program first starts { size(500, 500); //the dislay window is 500 wide pixels and 500 high pixels smooth(); //smooth the edge of the font letter font = loadFont("Candara-Bold-80.vlw"); //load the font to the screen textFont(font); //set the current font textSize(100); //increase the font size from 80 to 100 for(int i = imageIndex; i < maxImages; i +=1) //for(int; test; update) //{ statement } //if the test is true, the statement will run continously. //int assign initial value to the variable used in the test //update is used to modify the variable after each iteration through the block. { img = loadImage( "letter1.png" ); imageMode(CENTER); image(img, 264, 298); // // img = loadImage("letter2.png"); // imageMode(CENTER); // image(img, 300, 294); // // img = loadImage("letter3.png"); // imageMode(CENTER); // image(img, 300, 268); } } void draw() //the code inside draw() run continuously. //One image frame is drawn to the display window at the end of each loop { background(173, 180, 216); //light blue bkg color text(letter, 30, 90); //draw characters to the screen, text(data, x, y) //only place the variable name in the data parameter //and not the value because the value will show on the screen //the variable name in the data parametter // will carry the char() to the keyPressed() } void keyPressed() //The keyPressed() function is called once every time a key is pressed. //The key that was pressed is stored in the key variable. //Use keyPressed in a conditional operation. // The variable "key" always contains the value of the most recent key pressed. // If the key is an upper or lowercase letter between 'A' and 'z', //then run the 2 statements { if(key >= 'A' && key <= 'z') { letter = char(key); println(key); } } //