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Playing a video (Read 899 times)
Playing a video
Oct 15th, 2009, 2:09pm

Ookay, I;ve read the warning that Processing is not extremely good at playing videos, but I need a short video to be shown in my program

I do this:

import processing.video.*;
Movie myMovie;
  void draw() {
myMovie = new Movie(this, "video.mp4");


I hear the sound from the video for about one second, the image never shows up, and then I stops. is it because of file format or what?

What could I do to make it work? Thanks in advance
Re: Playing a video
Reply #1 - Nov 3rd, 2009, 2:23pm
I don't do a lot of videos but here I go. Do you need to actually display the video on screen to see it? In your code you don't have "display this video at (x,y)" anywhere so how can processing display it? I suggest you read the processing examples on video, especially the one where video is played where your mouse it at. There you will find out how to display.

Read this:
Re: Playing a video
Reply #2 - Nov 3rd, 2009, 2:33pm
i would test it with a mov file just to make sure its not a mp4 problem, i am not sure it mp4 can be shown using processing. maybe anybody else knows more about it.
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