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collision question? (Read 685 times)
collision question?
Oct 14th, 2009, 2:31am

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a collision question?

if you go to this address

<i cant post the link cuz im not allowed yet but the code is below>

you will see a game, when in the game you shoot the asteroids, however not all the asteroids are getting "blown up" on first impact...

i was wondering if anyone could help me out by letting me know on how i would change that code to allow the asteroids to be "blown up" on first shot every time ?

thank you very much!

I've copied the code here because im unable to post a link to a website.

tank T;

bullet[] B;
int num_bullets=10,bullet_check=-1;

asteriod[] R;
int num_asteriods=10, asteriod_check=-1;

boolean hit = false;

void setup()

 T = new tank();
 B = new bullet[num_bullets];
 for(int i=0;i<num_bullets;i++)
 {B[i] = new bullet();}
 R = new asteriod[num_asteriods];
 for(int i=0;i<num_asteriods;i++)
   R[i] = new asteriod();
   R[i].asteriod_size = int(random(15,35));
   {R[i].asteroid_color = 200;}
   {R[i].asteroid_color = 120;}


void draw()
 for(int i=0;i<num_bullets;i++)
 for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods;j++)

 hit = collisiondetection();

 if(hit == true)
   hit = false;
   /*if(T.score%7 == 0)  
       R[num_asteriods-1] = new asteriod();
       R[num_asteriods-1].asteriod_size = int(random(15,35));
         {R[num_asteriods-1].asteroid_color = 200;}
         {R[num_asteriods-1].asteroid_color = 120;}


class tank
 int xpos=315;  
 int life = 5;  
 int score = 100;  
 void display()
 void move()
     if(key == CODED)
       if(keyCode == LEFT)
       else if(keyCode == RIGHT)
   else if(xpos>=640)

class bullet
 int bullet_xpos, bullet_ypos=-1;
 int bflag=0;

 void bullet_display()

class asteriod
 int asteriod_xpos, asteriod_ypos,speed,asteriod_size;
 int rflag=0;
 int asteroid_color;
 void asteriod_display()

void keyPressed()
 if(key == 'x' || key == 'X')
   if(bullet_check == num_bullets-1)
   B[bullet_check].bullet_ypos = 460;

void randomasteriodnumber()
 asteriod_check = int(random(-1,num_asteriods-1));
   R[asteriod_check].asteriod_xpos= int(random(0,640));
   R[asteriod_check].asteriod_ypos = 0;
   R[asteriod_check].speed = int(random(1,5));

boolean collisiondetection()
 float distance=0;
 for(int BI=0;BI<num_bullets && B[BI].bflag==1;BI++)
   for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods && R[j].rflag==1;j++)
//          println(B[BI].bullet_ypos);
//          println(j);

Im pretty sure it gas something to do with this part

boolean collisiondetection()
float distance=0;
for(int BI=0;BI<num_bullets && B[BI].bflag==1;BI++)
  for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods && R[j].rflag==1;j++)
//          println(B[BI].bullet_ypos);
//          println(j);

but i cant for the life of me work it out!
Re: collision question?
Reply #1 - Oct 14th, 2009, 5:00am
Well this code seems to work a little better (though I'm sure it could be optimised further - collision detection optimisation* is a FAQ):

boolean collisiondetection() {  

for(int i=0; i<num_bullets; i++) {    
  for(int j=0; j<num_asteriods; j++)  {
    float dx =R[j].asteriod_xpos-B[i].bullet_xpos;
    float dy =R[j].asteriod_ypos-B[i].bullet_ypos;
    float distance=dx*dx + dy*dy;
    if(distance<= R[j].asteriod_size * R[j].asteriod_size) {

The main problem was that you were using 'distance+=' to calculate the distance variable.  For that to work you'd need to reset it to zero for each iteration of the loop.  Instead it was set to zero before the loops began and then each loop added to the value of distance - so it was highly unlikely to be less than 30, except on the first bullet in the bullet array.

Also not sure what the '&& B[BI].bflag==1' was meant to be doing...  You'd do well to add comments to your code and - being slightly pedantic - check spellings of variable/object names.  'asteriod' could cause you problems if someone else has to work on your code in future.

* sqrt() is one thing to avoid when optimising collision detection code: quicker to check against the square of the distance you want to check.  Not sure whether 'value * value' is quicker than using sq() - just force of habit on my part...
Re: collision question?
Reply #2 - Oct 14th, 2009, 4:09pm
thank you for your speedy reply... worked very well! just what i was after!
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