YaBB Newbies
Posts: 10
collision question?
Oct 14th , 2009, 2:31am
hello! I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a collision question? if you go to this address <i cant post the link cuz im not allowed yet but the code is below> you will see a game, when in the game you shoot the asteroids, however not all the asteroids are getting "blown up" on first impact... i was wondering if anyone could help me out by letting me know on how i would change that code to allow the asteroids to be "blown up" on first shot every time ? thank you very much! I've copied the code here because im unable to post a link to a website. tank T; bullet[] B; int num_bullets=10,bullet_check=-1; asteriod[] R; int num_asteriods=10, asteriod_check=-1; boolean hit = false; void setup() { size(640,480); smooth(); T = new tank(); B = new bullet[num_bullets]; for(int i=0;i<num_bullets;i++) {B[i] = new bullet();} R = new asteriod[num_asteriods]; for(int i=0;i<num_asteriods;i++) { R[i] = new asteriod(); R[i].asteriod_size = int(random(15,35)); if(R[i].asteriod_size>30) {R[i].asteroid_color = 200;} else {R[i].asteroid_color = 120;} } } void draw() { background(0); fill(255); T.display(); T.move(); randomasteriodnumber(); for(int i=0;i<num_bullets;i++) { if(B[i].bflag==1) { B[i].bullet_ypos-=5; fill(0,0,255); B[i].bullet_display(); } if(B[i].bullet_ypos<0) {B[i].bflag=0;} } for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods;j++) { if(R[j].rflag==1) { R[j].asteriod_ypos+=R[j].speed; fill(255,0,0); R[j].asteriod_display(); } if(R[j].asteriod_ypos>480) {R[j].rflag=0;} } hit = collisiondetection(); fill(0,255,0); rectMode(CORNER); rect(0,0,640,30); fill(0); if(hit == true) { T.score+=100; hit = false; /*if(T.score%7 == 0) { num_asteriods++; R[num_asteriods-1] = new asteriod(); R[num_asteriods-1].asteriod_size = int(random(15,35)); if(R[num_asteriods-1].asteriod_size>30) {R[num_asteriods-1].asteroid_color = 200;} else {R[num_asteriods-1].asteroid_color = 120;} }*/ } } class tank { int xpos=315; int life = 5; int score = 100; void display() { rectMode(CENTER); rect(xpos,470,50,10); rect(xpos,460,10,20); } void move() { if(keyPressed) { if(key == CODED) { if(keyCode == LEFT) {xpos-=5;} else if(keyCode == RIGHT) {xpos+=5;} } } if(xpos<=0) {xpos=0;} else if(xpos>=640) {xpos=640;} } } class bullet { int bullet_xpos, bullet_ypos=-1; int bflag=0; void bullet_display() { ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(bullet_xpos,bullet_ypos,10,10); } } class asteriod { int asteriod_xpos, asteriod_ypos,speed,asteriod_size; int rflag=0; int asteroid_color; void asteriod_display() { fill(asteroid_color,asteroid_color,asteroid_color); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipse(asteriod_xpos,asteriod_ypos,asteriod_size,asteriod_size); } } void keyPressed() { if(key == 'x' || key == 'X') { bullet_check++; if(bullet_check == num_bullets-1) {bullet_check=0;} B[bullet_check].bflag=1; B[bullet_check].bullet_xpos=T.xpos; B[bullet_check].bullet_ypos = 460; } } void randomasteriodnumber() { asteriod_check = int(random(-1,num_asteriods-1)); if(R[asteriod_check].rflag!=1) { R[asteriod_check].rflag=1; R[asteriod_check].asteriod_xpos= int(random(0,640)); R[asteriod_check].asteriod_ypos = 0; R[asteriod_check].speed = int(random(1,5)); } } boolean collisiondetection() { float distance=0; for(int BI=0;BI<num_bullets && B[BI].bflag==1;BI++) { for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods && R[j].rflag==1;j++) { distance+=sq(R[j].asteriod_xpos-B[BI].bullet_xpos); distance+=sq(R[j].asteriod_ypos-B[BI].bullet_ypos); distance=sqrt(distance); if(distance<=30) { R[j].asteriod_ypos=-5; R[j].rflag=0; B[BI].bullet_ypos=-5; B[BI].bflag=0; return(true); // println(B[BI].bullet_ypos); // println(j); } } } return(false); } Im pretty sure it gas something to do with this part boolean collisiondetection() { float distance=0; for(int BI=0;BI<num_bullets && B[BI].bflag==1;BI++) { for(int j=0;j<num_asteriods && R[j].rflag==1;j++) { distance+=sq(R[j].asteriod_xpos-B[BI].bullet_xpos); distance+=sq(R[j].asteriod_ypos-B[BI].bullet_ypos); distance=sqrt(distance); if(distance<=30) { R[j].asteriod_ypos=-5; R[j].rflag=0; B[BI].bullet_ypos=-5; B[BI].bflag=0; return(true); // println(B[BI].bullet_ypos); // println(j); } } } return(false); } but i cant for the life of me work it out!