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3d arcs (Read 1536 times)
3d arcs
Oct 11th, 2009, 4:45pm
Does anybody have a code for creating 3d arcs like this :

or can me tell how to do so?
i was able to do it 2d using arcs() but thats not possible to turn 3d i guess..
Thank you!
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #1 - Oct 12th, 2009, 10:14am
This example in the tutorial section almost looks like what you want :

A good start, maybe?
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #2 - Oct 12th, 2009, 11:09am
Here is a fork in a more object-oriented programming style :

class Arc3D {
 int tubeRes = 32;
 float[] tubeX;
 float[] tubeY;
 float angleStart, angleWidth;
 float radius, thickness, elevation;
 color fillColor;
 public Arc3D(float angleStart, float angleWidth, float radius, float thickness, float elevation, color fillColor) {
   this.angleStart = angleStart;
   this.angleWidth = angleWidth;
   this.radius = radius;
   this.thickness = thickness;
   this.elevation = elevation;
   this.fillColor = fillColor;
   this.tubeX = new float[this.tubeRes];
   this.tubeY = new float[this.tubeRes];
   float angle = this.angleWidth / (this.tubeRes - 1);
   for (int i = 0; i < this.tubeRes; i++) {
     this.tubeX[i] = cos(i * angle);
     this.tubeY[i] = sin(i * angle);
 void display() {
   // outside
   for (int i = 0; i < this.tubeRes; i++) {
     float x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     float z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, 0, z);
     vertex(x, this.elevation, z);
   // inside
   for (int i = 0; i < this.tubeRes; i++) {
     float x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     float z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, 0, z);
     vertex(x, this.elevation, z);
   // start
   vertex(this.tubeX[0] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2), 0,         this.tubeY[0] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[0] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2), elevation, this.tubeY[0] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[0] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2), 0,         this.tubeY[0] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[0] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2), elevation, this.tubeY[0] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2));
   // end
   vertex(this.tubeX[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2), 0,         this.tubeY[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2), elevation, this.tubeY[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2), 0,         this.tubeY[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2));
   vertex(this.tubeX[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2), elevation, this.tubeY[this.tubeRes - 1] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2));
   // up
   for (int i = 0; i < this.tubeRes; i++) {
     float x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     float z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, this.elevation, z);
     x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, this.elevation, z);
   // bottom
   for (int i = 0; i < this.tubeRes; i++) {
     float x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     float z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius - this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, 0, z);
     x = this.tubeX[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     z = this.tubeY[i] * (this.radius + this.thickness/2);
     vertex(x, 0, z);

Arc3D[] arcs;

void setup() {
 size(640, 360, P3D);
 arcs = new Arc3D[3];
 arcs[0] = new Arc3D(TWO_PI*0.00, TWO_PI*0.90, 100, 20, 50, #8c5418);
 arcs[1] = new Arc3D(TWO_PI*0.10, TWO_PI*0.60,  60,  5, 30, #fb8b00);
 arcs[2] = new Arc3D(TWO_PI*0.20, TWO_PI*0.40,  50,  5, 20, #d40404);

void draw() {
 translate(width / 2, height / 2);
 rotateX(map(mouseY, 0, height, -PI, PI));
 rotateY(map(mouseX, 0, width, -PI, PI));
 for (int i = 0; i < arcs.length; i++) {
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #3 - Oct 12th, 2009, 2:32pm
Ohh that is really cool. Thank you antiplastik!
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #4 - Oct 24th, 2009, 10:09am
I uploaded an improved version of the code and a click-and-drag demo on OpenProcessing :
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #5 - Oct 24th, 2009, 4:12pm
Thx, that a nice example for the 3d picking that was discussed lately....
Re: 3d arcs
Reply #6 - Oct 25th, 2009, 1:52am
For the record (cross references are good!), there is a similar thread (with nearly same subject!) discussed at 3d arcs.
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