YaBB Newbies
Posts: 4
How to drag Images Separately?
Oct 10th , 2009, 5:54pm
I am trying to do an interactive game where you can drag pieces of my sketches together and create a character. There is a scroll bar for each piece which one can change the tint separately. The only problem is that when I click and drag it drags all of my images together instead of separately. Please help me on what should I do exactly to make each individual image be able to be moved with mouseDrag separately. I am confused on how to create a class for each piece or doing continuous if else statments on the draw function. I went to the reference and tried to add th their code and drag more than one object separately but was unsuccessful. I'm new at this and need help. Please help. Thanks.Below is my code: Scrollbar bar1, bar2, bar3; int dragX, dragY, moveX, moveY; PFont font; PImage hair, hairInvert, face, faceInvert, shirt, shirtInvert; int colorSetter = 41; void setup() { size(1500, 900); // document size colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100); bar1 = new Scrollbar(10, 35, 80, 10, 0.0, 360.0); //first scroll font = loadFont("SansSerif-30.vlw"); textFont(font); textAlign(RIGHT); hair = loadImage("hair.png"); //oringinal hair image hairInvert = loadImage("hairInvert.png"); //original hair image inverted bar2 = new Scrollbar (10, 100, 80, 10, 0.0, 360.0); //second scroll font = loadFont("Serif-20.vlw"); textFont(font); textAlign(RIGHT); face = loadImage("face.png"); //original face image faceInvert = loadImage ("faceInvert.png"); //original face image inverted //image(hairInvert, 1000, 0); bar3 = new Scrollbar (10, 160, 80, 10, 0.0, 360.0); //third scroll font = loadFont("Serif-20.vlw"); textFont(font); textAlign(RIGHT); shirt = loadImage ("shirt.png"); //original shirt image shirtInvert = loadImage ("shirtInvert.png"); //original shirt image inverted } void draw() { background(255); noFill(); rect(600, 0, 600, height); fill(255); //first scroll fill int pos1 = int(bar1.getPos()); color sepia = color(pos1, 100, 100); tint(sepia); //image (hair, 1175, 0); image(hair, moveX, moveY); fill(255); int pos2 = int(bar2.getPos()); //second scroll fill color blue2 = color(pos2, 200, 100); tint(blue2); //image(face, 1250, 300); image(face, moveX, moveY); fill(255); int pos3 = int(bar3.getPos()); //third scroll fill color blue3 = color(pos3, 300, 100); tint(blue3); //image(shirt, 1325, 500); image(shirt, dragX, dragY); text(nf(pos1, 2), 50, 75); bar1.update(mouseX, mouseY); //first scroll text bar1.display(); text(nf(pos2, 2), 50, 75); //second scroll text bar2.update(mouseX, mouseY); bar2.display(); text(nf(pos3, 2), 50, 75); //thrid scroll text bar3.update(mouseX, mouseY); bar3.display(); } void mousePressed() { bar1.press(mouseX, mouseY); bar2.press(mouseX, mouseY); bar3.press(mouseX, mouseY); } void mouseReleased() { bar1.release(); bar2.release(); bar3.release(); } void mouseDragged() { // Move Image dragX = mouseX; dragY = mouseY; moveX = mouseX; moveX = mouseY; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Below is Class for scroll bar: class Scrollbar { int x, y; // The x- and y-coordinates float sw, sh; // Width and height of scrollbar float pos; // Position of thumb float posMin, posMax; // Max and min values of thumb boolean rollover; // True when the mouse is over boolean locked; // True when its the active scrollbar float minVal, maxVal; // Min and max values for the thumb Scrollbar(int xp, int yp, int w, int h, float miv, float mav) { x = xp; y = yp; sw = w; sh = h; minVal = miv; maxVal = mav; pos = x + sw / 2 - sh / 2; posMin = x; posMax = x + sw - sh; } // Updates the over boolean and the position of the thumb void update(int mx, int my) { if (over(mx, my) == true) { rollover = true; } else { rollover = false; } if (locked == true) { pos = constrain(mx - sh / 2, posMin, posMax); } } // Locks the thumb so the mouse can move off and still update void press(int mx, int my) { if (rollover == true) { locked = true; } else { locked = false; } } // Resets the scrollbar to neutral void release() { locked = false; } // Returns true if the cursor is over the scrollbar boolean over(int mx, int my) { if ((mx > x) && (mx < x + sw) && (my > y) && (my < y + sh)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Draws the scrollbar to the screen void display() { fill(255); rect(x, y, sw, sh); if ((rollover == true) || (locked == true)) { fill(0); } else { fill(102); } rect(pos, y, sh, sh); } // Returns the current value of the thumb float getPos() { float scalar = sw / (sw - sh); float ratio = (pos - x) * scalar; float offset = minVal + (ratio / sw * (maxVal - minVal)); return offset; } }