YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
Type on a path?
Oct 5th , 2009, 12:58pm
New to processing. Learning through manipulating existing code. In this instance, I need help to input a line of type ie. "Hello World" in place of the drawn line. Is this possible? Thanks. Here's the code: final int NUMBER_OF_FISH = 500; final float DISTANCE_TO_CENTER_THRESHHOLD = 25.0; final float PREFER_DISTANCE_TO_CENTER = 20.0; final float DISTANCE_TO_CENTER_SPEED_FACTOR = 100.0; final float DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH_THRESHHOLD = 15.0; final float PREFER_DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH = 20.0; final float DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH_SPEED_FACTOR = 5.0; final float PREFER_AVERAGE_DIRECTION = 6.0; final float TURN_RATE_LIMIT = PI/20.0; final float SPEED_LIMIT = 3.0; final float CLOSENESS = 150.0; boolean followFood = false; class Fish { float direction; float speed; float position[]; int index; Fish( int index ){ this.position = new float[2]; this.position[0] = random(0,width); this.position[1] = random(0,height); this.speed = 1; this.direction = random(-PI,PI); this.index = index; } void draw(){ pushMatrix(); translate(position[0],position[1]); rotate(direction); stroke(0,255,0); line(0,0,100,0); popMatrix(); } void move( Fish[] allOtherFishes ){ float[] center = {0,0}; float distanceToClosestFish = 1000; int closestFishIndex = 0; float averageDirection = 0; int count = 0; float turnRate = 0; for( int i=0;i<allOtherFishes.length;i++ ){ float distanceToFish = dist(allOtherFishes[i].position[0], allOtherFishes[i].position[1], this.position[0], this.position[1]); if( i != this.index && distanceToFish < CLOSENESS ){ center[0] += allOtherFishes[i].position[0]; center[1] += allOtherFishes[i].position[1]; averageDirection += allOtherFishes[i].direction; count++; if (distanceToFish < distanceToClosestFish){ distanceToClosestFish = distanceToFish; closestFishIndex = i; } } } if ( count != 0 ){ center[0] /= count; center[1] /= count; averageDirection /= count; speed = 1; float distanceToCenter = dist( center[0], center[1], this.position[0], this.position[1] ); if ( distanceToCenter > DISTANCE_TO_CENTER_THRESHHOLD ){ float angleToCenter = atan2( this.position[1]-center[1], this.position[0]-center[0] ); turnRate += (angleToCenter-direction)/PREFER_DISTANCE_TO_CENTER; speed = distanceToCenter/DISTANCE_TO_CENTER_SPEED_FACTOR; } /*if (distanceToCenter < 20){ float angleToCenter = atan2( this.position[1]-center[1], this.position[0]-center[0] ); direction -= (angleToCenter-direction)/10.0; speed = 1; }*/ /*if (distanceToClosestFish > 15) { float angleToCenter = atan2( this.position[1]-allOtherFishes[closestFishIndex].position[1], this.position[0]-allOtherFishes[closestFishIndex].position[0] ); turnRate += (angleToCenter-direction)/20.0; }*/ if (distanceToClosestFish < DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH_THRESHHOLD) { float angleToCenter = atan2( this.position[1]-allOtherFishes[closestFishIndex].position[1], this.position[0]-allOtherFishes[closestFishIndex].position[0] ); turnRate -= (angleToCenter-direction)/PREFER_DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH; speed = DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_FISH_SPEED_FACTOR/distanceToClosestFish; } turnRate += (averageDirection-direction)/PREFER_AVERAGE_DIRECTION; if( followFood ) { float angleToFood = atan2( this.position[1]-mouseY, this.position[0]-mouseX ); turnRate += (angleToFood-direction)/2.0; } } if ( speed > SPEED_LIMIT ) speed = SPEED_LIMIT; if( turnRate > TURN_RATE_LIMIT ) turnRate = TURN_RATE_LIMIT; if( turnRate < -TURN_RATE_LIMIT ) turnRate = -TURN_RATE_LIMIT; direction += turnRate; if (direction > PI) direction -= 2*PI; if (direction < -PI) direction += 2*PI; position[0] -= cos(this.direction)*speed; position[1] -= sin(this.direction)*speed; if (position[0] > width) position[0] = 0; if (position[0] < 0) position[0] = width; if (position[1] > height) position[1] = 0; if (position[1] < 0) position[1] = height; } } Fish[] fishes; void setup(){ size(1024,768); fishes = new Fish[NUMBER_OF_FISH]; for( int i=0;i<fishes.length;i++ ){ fishes[i] = new Fish(i); } stroke(0); } void draw(){ background(0,0,0); for( int i=0;i<fishes.length;i++ ) fishes[i].move( fishes ); for( int i=0;i<fishes.length;i++ ) fishes[i].draw(); float angleToFood = atan2( fishes[0].position[1]-mouseY, fishes[0].position[0]-mouseX ); } void mousePressed(){ followFood = !followFood; }