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MidiClock 2 OSC Tool, problem (Read 1445 times)
MidiClock 2 OSC Tool, problem
Oct 5th, 2009, 12:55pm

ich hoffe hier kann jemand Deutsch Smiley
habe mir ein kleines Tool gebastelt, dieses funktioniert auch gut.
Aber, es dauert ewig bis es startet, und bis änderungen der radio-buttons & der multiList übernommen werden.

kurze Erklärung was das Tool macht: es wandelt MidiClock in ein Beat-Signal um das über OSC gesendet wird. Grin

import controlP5.*;
import promidi.*;
import themidibus.*;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage;
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;

MidiBus myBus;
ControlP5 controlP5;
MultiList l;
MidiIO midiIO;
ControlTimer o;
OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myBroadcastLocation;

float eRadius;
int x;
float w ;
float q;
float s;
float t;

int h=(24);
int i=(1);
int a=(2);
int BPM;
long p=500;
int e;
int r;
int r2;
int r3;
int d;
int f;

void setup() {
 o = new ControlTimer();
 oscP5 = new OscP5(this,12000);
 myBroadcastLocation = new NetAddress("",12000);
 PFont fontB = loadFont("Georgia-Bold-48.vlw");
 textFont(fontB, 15);
 eRadius = 20;
 controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);
 midiIO = MidiIO.getInstance(this);
 myBus = new MidiBus(this);
 Radio r = controlP5.addRadio("radio",10,60);

 MultiList l = controlP5.addMultiList("myList",0,20,175,12);
 MultiListButton b;
 b = l.add("Midi Inputs",1);
 for(int i=0;i<midiIO.numberOfInputDevices();i++) {
   MultiListButton c = b.add("Midi Input",20+i+1);
   c.setLabel((i+1)+" "+midiIO.getInputDeviceName(i));
   c.setColorBackground(color(128 + 18*i,0,0));

void draw() {
 text("Maik MidiClock 2 OSC Tool Vers.1.1",50, 15);
 text(p+" msec",10, 50);
 text((60000/p)+" BPM",320, 50);
 float a = map(eRadius, 20, 80, 60, 255);
 fill(60, 255, 0, a);
 ellipse(width/2, height/2, eRadius, eRadius);
 eRadius *= 0.5;
 if ( eRadius < 20 ){
   eRadius = 20;

void radio(int g) {
 switch(g) {

void controlEvent(ControlEvent theEvent) {

 println(theEvent.controller().name()+" = "+theEvent.value());  
 if (theEvent.controller().name()== "Midi Input" ){

   w = (theEvent.value()-21.0);

 if (theEvent.controller().name()== "Midi Inputs" )

   w = -1;

 e = int(w);


void midiMessage(MidiMessage message) {

 if (message.getStatus()==248){
   x= x+1;
 if (x==h){
   eRadius = 80;
   OscMessage myOscMessage = new OscMessage("/Traktor.Deck1.Beat");
   oscP5.send(myOscMessage, myBroadcastLocation);

 if (x>h){


es scheint am controlP5 zu liegen, dort hängt es am Anfang.

mfg Maik
Re: MidiClock 2 OSC Tool, problem
Reply #1 - Feb 8th, 2010, 2:36pm
see what your trying to do.

don't use the midi clock. use the beat phase output in Traktor over a standard midi channel. Use midibus examples to pick up the message params and funk it up in processing...

Looked like fun, so i had a go.

youtube vid of it all working at wilksycom youtube channel

iphone vid...so a bit crappy

i see i Traktor dancing monkey being built soon....
Re: MidiClock 2 OSC Tool, problem
Reply #2 - Feb 8th, 2010, 2:37pm

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