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images using video (Read 769 times)
images using video
Sep 25th, 2009, 8:10am
I try to make an image using

import processing.video.*;
Capture C;
int X=0;
void setup(){
  C = new Capture(this, 320,240,30);
void draw() {
  if(C.available()) {
    copy(C, (C.width/2),0,1,C.height, (X++%width),0,1,height);

println(hour() + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+ ":" + millis());


All workin good but I would like to take the best resolution is possible because i like to print the images. I use a Sony hdv 1080i (1080 x 576 pixels). When I use max width and height
ex.  C = new Capture(this, 1080, 576, 30);
video and saving frames slow down so I think 30 fps is not working...
Any ideas, solutions?   Smiley Undecided
Re: images using video
Reply #1 - Nov 3rd, 2009, 3:02pm
Don't use processing and use a professional or opensource video recording program. Processing is not going to give you 30fps at HD. Cross-platform=slow. I'm struggling with 640*480 at 30fps with a core 2 duo and I don't think a more expensive processor will help much. See, 1080*576*3*30=55987200=53MB/s. What interface does the sony use to connect to your computer? It better is firewire 800 or giga ethernet cause other interfaces can't even pull that many bytes fast enough to be recorded in the first place.
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