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Array Maximums (Read 652 times)
Array Maximums
Sep 24th, 2009, 6:24am
Hey Guys,

So I am trying to make a sketch that outputs an html file. The sketch takes an image and converts it to a series of div block elements, one div for each different coloured pixel section of the image. The program works fine for small images. Takes no time at all. However, when I start using images around about 200x200 pixels it grinds the program to a halt nearly. And anything bigger than that doesnt get past the initialisation stage. I think it has something to do with the amount of memory/max size of an array.. Is there any way to increase this? or should I create multiple arrays to handle my data and recollate it at the end? perhaps use a class somewhere? any suggestions.. source code is below:

String output = "";
PImage inputImage;
String hexData[] = {};
int colourLengths[] = {};
String combinedArray[] = {};
int x, y;
int colourLength = 1;
int addition;
char colon = ':';
char semi = ';';
char lsquig = '{';
char rsquig = '}';
String fileName = "index.html";

void setup() {
 inputImage = loadImage("test.png"); //image to be converted
 println("Arrays Created");
 println("Found div Lengths");
 println("Arrays Combined");
 println("divs Created");
 println("Preping for file write");

void draw(){


void InitialData(){ //creates the heading part of the html document and the start of the container div
String headData;
headData = "<html><head><style>.box "+lsquig+"height"+colon+"1px"+semi+"overflow"+colon+"hidden"+semi+"float"+colon+"left"+semi+rsquig+"</style></head><body>";
output = headData + "<div id=\"container\" style=\"width"+ colon + inputImage.width + semi +" height" + colon + inputImage.height +"px" + semi+"\">"; //create opening container

void CreateArray(){
 for(y=0; y<inputImage.height;y++){
  for(x=0; x<inputImage.width;x++){
   color Colour = get(x,y); //find the colour of the pixel
   String hexColour = hex(Colour); //convert to hexidecimal
   hexColour = hexColour.substring(2); //delete the first two Alpha chanel bits of the hex colour
   hexData = append(hexData, hexColour); //write the hexcode to the array
 hexData = append(hexData, " "); //creates a break at the end of each line

void FindLengths(){ //creates an array of colour widths to save on div numbers
  for(int i = 0; i < hexData.length-1; i++){
    if(hexData[i].equals(hexData[i+1]) == true){ //compare values if same add 1 to colourLength
    } else if (colourLength != 1){ //when they are no longer the same add the colourLength to the array
     colourLengths = append(colourLengths, colourLength);
     colourLength = 1; //reset colourLength to 1
    } else {
      colourLengths = append(colourLengths, colourLength); //if the length is only 1
  for(int i = 0; i < colourLengths.length; i++){ //adds all lengths to find last length
   addition = addition + colourLengths[i];
  colourLengths = append(colourLengths, hexData.length - addition); //finds last length

void CombineArrays(){ //creates an array that combines the colour and length arrays
 int placement = 0;
 for(int i = 0; i < colourLengths.length; i++){
   placement = placement + colourLengths[i]; //finds the beginning of each colour
   combinedArray = append(combinedArray, hexData[placement-1]); //adds the colours data
   if (hexData[placement-1].equals(" ") == true){ //finds the end line breaks
   }else {
   combinedArray = append(combinedArray, str(colourLengths[i])); //adds the length data

void CreateData(){ //creates the html code for each div box
 for(int i = 0; i < combinedArray.length;){
   if(combinedArray[i].equals(" ") == true){
    i= i-1; //if end of line dont count as half a count
   } else {
   String divBox;
   divBox = "<div class=\"box\" style=\"background-color" + colon + "#" + combinedArray[i] + semi +" width"+colon + combinedArray[i+1] + "px" +semi+"\"></div>";
   output = output + divBox;

void EndData(){//adds the end of html document data
output = output + "</div></body></html>";

void WriteFile(){ //write to the html document
 String[] saveOutput = {output};
 saveStrings(fileName, saveOutput);

Thanks Guys!
Re: Array Maximums
Reply #1 - Sep 24th, 2009, 6:34am
Perhaps PDE > File > Preferences > Increase maximum available memory to...
Re: Array Maximums
Reply #2 - Sep 25th, 2009, 5:53am
Awesome Cheesy now set to much higher.. thanks so much.. dont know why I didnt think to look there in the first place..

I think its still just a case of as Ace Ventura would put it.. "If I'm not back in 5 minutes.... Just wait longer..."
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