Thank you very much both, this is what I was looking for.
Code:out.println("Processing " + Base.VERSION_NAME + " rocks the console.");
It rocks...

This comes from:
I not able to make it run yet (I still don't have jdk6 on this WIN machine, and I think I'm having issues with "c:/long names"). I can run it, but he can't find the preferences file. I'll try again tomorrow on Ubuntu.
Code:java -cp pde.jar;jna.jar;ecj.jar;core.jar;antlr.jar;"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\lib\tools.jar" --sketch=C:\fullPath\toSketch\ --export-applet --output="C:\fullPath\toSketch\applet"
Here's the help dump:
Code:Processing 0163 rocks the console.
--help Show this help text.
--sketch=<name> Specify the sketch folder (required)
--output=<name> Specify the output folder (required and
cannot be the same as the sketch folder.)
--preprocess Preprocess a sketch into .java files.
--build Preprocess and compile a sketch into .class files.
--run Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch.
--present Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch full screen.
--export-applet Export an applet.
--export-application Export an application.
--platform Specify the platform (export to application only).
Should be one of 'windows', 'macosx', or 'linux'.
--preferences=<file> Specify a preferences file to use (optional).