I'm half way there. The checkbox is actually called "open using rosetta" and it seemed to clear up the serial issues (thanks!). Next problem is firmata communication between the latest versions of Arduino and Processing.
The hello world code runs, but no blinking light. I uploaded the latest arduino library for processing and installed it in the libraries folder, and I installed the latest driver from here (opps need to post more before I can put up links - ftdichip.com/)
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
int servoPin = 10; // Control pin for servo motor
void setup(){
size (180, 50);
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0]);
arduino.pinMode(servoPin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
void draw(){
arduino.analogWrite(servoPin, mouseX);
interestingly the RX light blinks but not the led in pin 13.
this was the case on a Duemilanove and a Dieimila.
yes I tried different LED's

I'd love any help you can give me