I don't have a device on the serial port, so I will simulate the data:
Code:int numberOfGraphPoints=1200;
float[] tempValsA = new float[numberOfGraphPoints]; // initialize 1st array
float[] tempValsB = new float[numberOfGraphPoints]; // initialize 2nd array
int currentPoint=0; // the marker used to travel through the array.
//Serial commPort;
int previousGrabTime=0, timeStep=10; // low timestep for fast demo
float tempC;
float tempF;
float tempB;
float tempEnvF;
void setup(){
background(255); // white
currentPoint=0; // reset array marker
// commPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600);
float prevTemp = 20; // Just for simulation
void draw()
// while (commPort.available() > 1)
// tempC = commPort.read();
// tempB = commPort.read();
tempC = prevTemp + random(-0.5, 0.5);
prevTemp = tempC;
// converts tempC to Fahrenheit
tempF = ((tempC * 9) / 5) + 32;
// converts tempB to Fahrenheit
tempEnvF = ((tempB*9)/5) + 32;
if (currentPoint < numberOfGraphPoints){ // don't exceed your arrays
if (millis() - previousGrabTime >= timeStep){ // if it's time to grab
// grab the values for A and B
// store them in the two float[] arrays
tempValsA[currentPoint] = tempF; // plug the values into the arrays
float x = map(currentPoint, 0, numberOfGraphPoints, 0, width);
float y = map(tempF, 0, 375, height, 0);
point(x, y);
currentPoint++; // add 1 to the current point
previousGrabTime = millis(); // reset the wait time
You have already the previous temp, since you store them in an array (not really using it, currently, but it will come later). So the change is simple:
Code: float x = GetX(currentPoint);
float y = GetY(tempF);
float px = GetX(currentPoint - 1);
float py = GetY(tempValsA[currentPoint - 1]);
line(px, py, x, y);
I have put the code to map points in functions to avoid duplication of code:
Code:float GetX(float v)
return map(v, 0, numberOfGraphPoints, 0, width);
float GetY(float v)
return map(v, 0, 375, height, 0);
And I start currentPoint at 1...
Well, actually there is a simpler method, with less computation, making px and py global and assigning them to x and y before changing the latter...