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Need help with this roomba program (Read 732 times)
Need help with this roomba program
Aug 7th, 2009, 9:08am
Hey how is everybody doing today on this fine friday, Saturday from some don't know.

Anyway here is my inquiry,
I am trying to design a GUI for a high school based lab where the iRobot create can be moved based on a speed and a time inserted into the roombacomm.goFowardAt() and roombacomm.pause() commands through the GUI. So far everything is working alright, I was able to use interfascia to create text boxes on my GUI, and I think I found a way to save whatever is entered by the user into two variables in the code.

So here is the problem, everytime I run the GUI and I try and insert a speed to time value I get an error saying


and when I try and click on one of the buttons I get the error message

"No method named actionPerformed was found in root" .

I cannot post the whole code, but if anybody has used the roomba stuff with processing then this was the same scheme behind the roombaview program. Go easy on me I just started programming  Embarrassed . The highlighted stuff is what I tried with the interfascia libraries.  

Any type of help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

import mkv.MyGUI.*;
import roombacomm.*;
import roombacomm.net.*;
import java.io.*;
import interfascia.*;

String roombacommPort = "testdummy";

RoombaCommSerial roombacomm;

MyGUI gui;
MyGUIButton butForward, butBackward, butStop;
MyGUIButton butSpinLeft, butSpinRight, butTurnLeft, butTurnRight;
MyGUIButton butReset, butSafe, butFull, butSpy, butVacuum, butBeep;
MyGUIPinSlider sliderSpeed;

PFont fontA;

//Color declarations for various components in GUI window
color cBack = color(150);
color cOff  = color(100);
color cFlor = color(180);        
color cOn = color(255,0,0);
color cTxt = color(40);
color cWhl = color(10);
color cGrid = color(120);
color cStat = color(200);        
color cTir = color(20);                  
color cGry = color(110);
color cBut = color(170,170,210);

float rx,ry,rangle;                      
float scalex = 0.4;                      
float scaley = 0.4;                      

int frameCounter = 0;
GUIController c;

IFTextField speed;                
IFLabel speedlabel;
IFTextField time;
IFLabel timelabel;

// called on startup

void setup ()
 size (700,700);                            
 stroke(0, 200);                          
//  fill(200);                              
//  ellipse(35,35,50,50);                  

 //Initiate GUI objects
 fontA = loadFont("CourierNewPSMT-9.vlw");
 textFont(fontA, 10);                      
 gui = new MyGUI(this);                    
 c = new GUIController(this);
 speedlabel = new IFLabel("Speed",450,610);
 speed = new IFTextField("Speed",450,625,75);
 timelabel = new IFLabel("Time",450,645);
 time = new IFTextField("Time",450,665,75);

 float speed_entered;                      
 float time_entered;                        

 makeMoveButtons(width-70, height-100);    


void reset()                            
 rx = width/2;
 ry = height/2;
 rangle = 0;

void draw()


 if (roombacomm != null )
   drawRoombaStatus(rx, ry, rangle);

void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a, GUIEvent e, float speed_entered, float time_entered)
      println("a= "+a);
      String cmd = a.getActionCommand();
      Object src = a.getSource();
       int time_conv;
       int speed_conv;
               if(key == CODED)
                   if(key == RETURN)
                     {speed_entered =Float.parseFloat(speed.getValue());}
           catch(Exception e2){}
           else if(e.getMessage().equals("Modified"))
                     {time_entered = Float.parseFloat(time.getValue());}
                   catch(Exception e2){}
        speed_conv = int(speed_entered);
        time_conv = int(time_entered);
        if(src == butForward)
        else if(src == butBackward)
        else if(src == butStop)

void updateRoombaState()

void computeRoombaLocation()
 int distance = roombacomm.distance();
 float angle = roombacomm.angleInRadians();
 rangle = rangle - angle;
 rangle %=TWO_PI;
 float dx = distance * sin(rangle);
 float dy = distance * cos(rangle);
 rx = rx +(dx*scaley);
 ry = ry - (dy * scalex);

 if(rx > width) rx = 0;
 if(rx < 0) rx = width;
 if(ry > height) ry = 0;
 if(ry < 0) ry = height;

Re: Need help with this roomba program
Reply #1 - Aug 7th, 2009, 2:22pm
please paste the entire error message you get.

i have a feeling that whilst you have defined actionPerformed it doesn't have the right signature.

a quick google turned up this:

which uses

void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)...
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