hi all,
I'm confused about how to draw a triangle strip with a FOR structure.. new to all this, so sorry about my novice-esque question. here goes my logic - what am I not understanding properly? the triangles draw all weird...
Quote:// ok global triangle strip positioning time
int initxpos=400;
int initypos=100;
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
background( 25, 25, 25);
void draw() {
stroke(200, 200, 200);
// ok let's try to draw a triangle strip in the first place...
//let's find out the draw order..
stroke(152, 49, 49); //red
point(75, 30);
stroke(83, 152, 49); //green
point(10, 20);
stroke(50, 49, 152); //blueish
point(75, 50);
stroke(201, 18, 162); //pink
point(20, 60);
stroke(46, 175, 165); //cyan
point(90, 70);
stroke(251, 255, 26); //yellow
point(35, 85);
stroke(200, 200, 200);
vertex(75, 30);
vertex(10, 20);
vertex(75, 50);
vertex(20, 60);
vertex(90, 70);
vertex(35, 85);
// now can we "variablize" that logic?? c'mon pls.. OK WORKS
int xinit=400;
int yinit=100;
//int triwidth = 200;
//int yheight = 100;
//stroke(35, 200, 50);
//vertex(xinit, yinit);
//vertex(xinit - triwidth, yinit);
//vertex(xinit, yinit + yheight);
//vertex(xinit - triwidth, yinit + yheight);
// now iterate that structure! doesn't wpork... why?
int triwidth = 200;
for (int yheight=100; yheight<800; yheight += 100) {
vertex(xinit, yinit); //400, 100
vertex(xinit - triwidth, yinit); //200, 100
vertex(xinit, yinit + yheight); //400, 200
vertex(xinit - triwidth, yinit + yheight);//200, 200