RecordRules is project that switches the roles of computers and their users. For once, the computer uses you. It commands you to go out and shoot a movie that consists of 30 takes. except for the starting point every decision is made by the computer itself, so the movie is not biased by any aesthetical ideals what so ever, which can lead to amazing compositions that you wouldn't expect. you are only the cameraman.
You can download a little program here:
mac osx:
In the zip file you'll find 3 files:
1: The "read me.txt" gives you a more detailed instruction on what you have to do.
2: the main application is used to create your own individual set of rules, on which the movie is based.
3: the short title sequence which should be placed at the beginning of the movie.
some examples can be found here:
this project has the potential to become great, but only if many people participate. so if you have a day off and got a camcorder, get out and shoot your recordrules-video! you'll see, it's great not having to think about what you're filming

tell me what you think, or if you're going to try it out! i would highly appreciate it!