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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSyntax Questions › simple ellipse rotate z axis
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simple ellipse rotate z axis (Read 2783 times)
simple ellipse rotate z axis
Jun 27th, 2009, 8:53am

I have to rotate a circular object (all intents and purposes an ellipse) around the central point continuously (rotate z axis). Although the code should be easy with all other simple shapes that has worked but processing refused my simple continuous (or on mouse press) ellipse rotate.
versions I have reworked

import processing.opengl.*;
ellipse (56, 46,55,55);
void setup() {
 size(200, 200, OPENGL);
 s = loadShape(ellipse);}
void draw() {  
shape(s, mouseX, mouseY);

reworked Ira greenberg's square rotation but should rotate around the centre but circles pendular 90 degrees rather than continuously rotating on the central axis - revolving.

void setup()

float angle;
float cosine;
float jitter;

void draw()
 if(second()%2 == 0){
   jitter = (random(-0.1, 0.1));
 angle = angle + jitter;
 cosine = cos(angle);
 translate(width/2, height/2);
 ellipse(56, 46, 55, 55);  

simplest form

size(100, 100);
translate(width/2, height/2);
ellipse (56, 46, 55, 55);

works as a shape only :

float f = 0.0;
frameRate (30);
ellipseMode (CENTER_RADIUS);

while(f < TWO_PI) {
 vertex(width/2 + cos(f)*40, height/2 + sin(f)*40);
 f += PI/12.0;
 rotate (PI/2);

simple - pls help urgent! tx
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #1 - Jun 28th, 2009, 1:18am
If I understand from some of the code, you want to rotate around the mouse?
float angleInDegrees = 42;

void setup() {

void draw() {
 //start drawing from mouse position
 translate(mouseX, mouseY);
 //I convert degrees to radians, just because
 // my mind can keep track of degrees easier
 rotate( radians(angleInDegrees) );
 //wide so we can see it rotate
 ellipse(0, 0, 50, 25); //0,0 because the origin was moved to the mouse
 angleInDegrees += 2;
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #2 - Jun 28th, 2009, 3:56pm
thx "ORSUM"!

Would you explain which part of the syntax of the equation, "equates" to the continuous revolving of the object 360. UR code is syntaxically neat and clear but for process reasoning if you would explain your process method that would be particularly helpful. presumably "angleInDegrees +=2" but how would you get to the point of choosing that to create a 360 rotation on the central axis. PLS

Thx again for your help! ;P
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #3 - Jun 28th, 2009, 4:24pm
Here's my interpretation:

- Translate to mouseX,mouseY to ensure rotation occurs around the mouse position.
- Rotate to the value of 'angleInDegrees'.  In the first loop this is 42 degrees (Why 42?  The Meaning of life the universe and everything?)
- Draw the ellipse
- Add 2 to 'angleInDegrees'.

Note that

 angleInDegrees +=2;

is just a shortcut to writing:

 angleInDegrees = angleInDegrees + 2;

Also remember that void draw() is a repeating loop; so it will loop through again rotating around the mouse position to the value of angleInDegrees, which on the second loop will be 44 degrees (we added 2 to the value at the end of the previous cycle).  Each cycle it will increase by 2 degrees producing the rotating animation.

What happens when it gets bigger than 360?  362 degrees is equivalent to 2 degrees... and so on.

Watch out for translate though.  If you're drawing other stuff to the screen you may want to wrap things with pushMatrix and popMatrix:

float angleInDegrees = 42;

void setup() {


void draw() {

// A triangle with 0 degrees of rotation
// translate is cumulative - i.e. this moves 20 pixels down from the last translate
// 360+90=450
// a triangle with 90 degrees of rotation

//start drawing from mouse position
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
//I convert degrees to radians, just because
// my mind can keep track of degrees easier
rotate( radians(angleInDegrees) );
//wide so we can see it rotate
ellipse(0, 0, 50, 25); //0,0 because the origin was moved to the mouse

angleInDegrees += 2;

Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #4 - Jun 28th, 2009, 5:42pm
Blindfish explained it better than I could.

And you got it. The reason I used 42, I mean. :]
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #5 - Jun 29th, 2009, 5:41am

The same thing has happened again. when I modify the code I get the same result the ellipse rotates around the space (randomly) rather than on press mouse. NB's mouse rotation is great but as soon as I modify the code the whole syntax collapses. And BF's analysis is relevant as the simple ellipse rotate is the basis for a flower node for a conclusive artwork where the flower node is to infinity (power n). Both your advise is poignant in that process as I have to clear up the code. I have modified a piechart within the code but perhaps what I require first is to spin the ellipse and then rotate freely. I hope you are having fun! ;*]

float angleInDegrees = 42;

void setup() {  
void draw() {  

//start drawing from mouse position  
translate(mouseX, mouseY);
//I convert degrees to radians, just because  
// my mind can keep track of degrees easier  
rotate( radians(angleInDegrees) );

//wide so we can see it rotate  
int diameter = 150;
int[] angs = {30, 10, 45, 35, 60, 38, 75, 67};
float lastAng = 0;

for (int i=0; i<angs.length; i++){
 fill(angs[i] * 3.0);
 arc(width/2, height/2, diameter, diameter, lastAng, lastAng+radians(angs[i]));
 lastAng += radians(angs[i]);  
//0,0 because the origin was moved to the mouse  
popMatrix ();
angleInDegrees += 2;
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #6 - Jun 29th, 2009, 6:05am
It's good practice troubleshooting other people's code - I recommend it Smiley

Assuming you want the pie chart to rotate around the mouse position the solution to this one is easy:

 arc(0, 0, diameter, diameter, lastAng, lastAng+radians(angs[i]));

Remember that "translate(mouseX, mouseY);" effectively moves the centre of any drawing or transformation operations to the current mouseX and mouseY coordinates.  So when drawing something (0,0) is the current mouse position.  Any other value will be an offset from the current mouse position...

To put it another way take any circular object like a CD.  If you place another object in the very centre (0,0) and rotate the CD the object will rotate on the spot.  If you move the object away from the centre and rotate the CD what happens  By passing (x,y) coordinates other than (0,0) you're moving your object away from the centre of rotation...

In the case of an 'arc' the default ellipseMode is CENTRE - so the x and y coordinates you pass to the arc command represent the centre of a circle and it then draws a portion (or slice) of the circle.

Hope that all makes sense!
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #7 - Jun 29th, 2009, 6:17am
blindfish wrote on Jun 29th, 2009, 6:05am:
It's good practice troubleshooting other people's code - I recommend it Smiley

It's actually kind of addicting if you are a problem solving junkie.  Cheesy It's like a little game I have to sign on every day and see how quickly I can code something or solve a problem. And you end up learning from everyone else in the process!
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #8 - Jun 29th, 2009, 7:19am
tx the conclusive artwork is a revolving evolving polyhedron structure which is all based on rotation. That works for the basis of the node rotation.

pop along to fBK for a round of golf. :')
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #9 - Jun 30th, 2009, 12:19am
I modified the code with a few more variables colorwheel (just a few colors) and the code syntax collapses.

int segs = 6;
int steps = 1;
float rotAdjust = radians (360.0/segs/2.0);
float radius = 95.0;
float segWidth = radius/steps;
float interval = TWO_PI/segs;
int SHADE = 0;
int TINT =1;
float angleInDegrees = 42;

void setup() {  
void draw() {  


//start drawing from mouse position  
translate(mouseX, mouseY);

createWheel(width/2, height/2, SHADE);

void createWheel (int x, int y, int valueshift) {
 if (valueshift ==SHADE){
   for (int j=0; j<steps; j++){
     color []cols = {
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/1.5)-((255/1.5)/steps)*j, 0),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 0),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2.5)-((255/2.5)/steps)*j, 0),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, 0),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, (255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j),
       color(255-(255/steps)*j, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j),
       color((255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j),
       color(0, 0, 255-(255/steps)*j),
       color(0, 255-(255/steps)*j, (255/2.5)-((255/2.5)/steps)*j),
       color(0, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0),
       color((255/2)-((255/2)/steps)*j, 255-(255/steps)*j, 0) };
     for (int i=0; i< segs; i++){
       arc(x, y, 0, 0, interval*i+rotAdjust, interval*(i+1)+rotAdjust);
     radius -= segWidth;
//0,0 because the origin was moved to the mouse  
popMatrix ();
angleInDegrees += 2;

as soon as I modify the code the syntax collapses rather than complexity of code bugs

some of the code was missing and the line that has an error is

createWheel (width/2, height/2, SHADE);
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #10 - Jun 30th, 2009, 1:30am
<snip />
Sorry - now realise that when I copied your code I somehow managed to miss all the variable declarations...

Finally, for what it's worth - you should populate your cols array in setup() since you only need to do this once.  in draw() it gets done every frame and that's very inefficient...

Good luck!
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #11 - Jun 30th, 2009, 3:42pm
tx for ur advise - all helpful. All the factors of the code work separately : rotation, color piechart but when I combine the variables -
code is refused, the code actually works with a black and white piechart!
tx again
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #12 - Jul 1st, 2009, 1:01am
This is interesting (again troubleshooting being addicting Wink )...

Comment out background(), and a colorful circle shows up.
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #13 - Jul 1st, 2009, 3:15am
Are you sure?  That doesn't work for me...

I still see a couple of problems (and no need to comment out background):

1.  Count your closing {braces}.  You appear to have an extra one after your popMatrix call in createWheel

2.  See my post:

"Assuming you want the pie chart to rotate around the mouse position the solution to this one is easy:

 arc(0, 0, diameter, diameter, lastAng, lastAng+radians(angs[i]));"

So in your call to arc try:

 arc(0, 0, x, y, interval*i+rotAdjust, interval*(i+1)+rotAdjust);

though if that's what you're after you may want to change the x,y variables.

Not sure why it's not rotating but I'll leave that to you to figure out Wink

A couple more points: You call pushMatrix() in draw, but popMatrix() in the createWheel function - this works fine but doesn't make for easily readable code.  I'd take the popMatrix out of createWheel and put it after the createWheel function call in draw().  Not essential but good practice...

Finally since your cols array uses variables that don't seem to change during the draw loop my comment about using setup to generate this still stands.  In draw() it is rather inefficient...  It's also a slightly odd construction: unless I'm very much mistaken your for loop has little use since each iteration replaces the previously built cols array, so your cols array will simply be populated using j=steps-1.  Try "println(cols.length);" and you may see what I mean...

Hopefully this makes up for my previous blunder Wink
Re: simple ellipse rotate z axis
Reply #14 - Jul 1st, 2009, 5:18am

error if I move the popMatrix - draw () was where I put that first +

same error on lines createWheel (width/2, height/2, SHADE); and

CreateWheel (int x, int y, int valueshift)

and error if I change the arc code!

All the code works for the bnw piechart, rotates, moves oscilates ! and w reworking the code.

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