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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
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Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox (Read 1096 times)
Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
Jun 22nd, 2009, 5:04pm
I recently moved my website onto a new web server, and all of a sudden, attempting to load any of my applets in Firefox 3 for Mac crashes it.  These applets work perfectly in Safari and other browsers.

Maybe something changed recently in Firefox (I updated to 3.0.11) or Java (via OS X Software Update)?  Or could my recent web server move have to do with it?

Here are two examples of applets that crash Firefox, but work in other browsers:

A signed applet that uses OpenGL:

An unsigned, simple applet that uses regular P2D:

I just checked the Console, and there are a ton of error messages generated by Firefox during the crash.  Two that seem relevant are pasted below.  Any thoughts?

6/22/09 4:52:11 PM firefox-bin[369] Apple AWT Internal Exception : sun.misc.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi: Provider com.sun.media.imageioimpl.stream.ChannelImageInputStreamSpi not found
at sun.misc.Service.fail(Service.java:129)
at sun.misc.Service.access$000(Service.java:111)
at sun.misc.Service$LazyIterator.next(Service.java:273)
at javax.imageio.spi.IIORegistry.registerApplicationClasspathSpis(IIORegistry.java:
at javax.imageio.spi.IIORegistry.<init>(IIORegistry.java:120)
at javax.imageio.spi.IIORegistry.getDefaultInstance(IIORegistry.java:141)
at apple.awt.CToolkit.registerDefaultServices(CToolkit.java:1300)
at apple.awt.CToolkit.<init>(CToolkit.java:140)
at apple.awt.MyCToolkit.<init>(MyCToolkit.java:67)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorI
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorA
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:494)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
at java.awt.Toolkit$2.run(Toolkit.java:833)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(Toolkit.java:804)
at sun.plugin.viewer.context.WebKitAppletContext.<clinit>(WebKitAppletContext.java:
at jep.AppletHandlerFactory.callRegisterNatives(Native Method)
at jep.AppletHandlerFactory.initProperties(AppletHandlerFactory.java:254)

6/22/09 4:52:11 PM firefox-bin[369] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'JavaNativeException', reason: 'sun.misc.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi: Provider com.sun.media.imageioimpl.stream.ChannelImageInputStreamSpi not found'
Re: Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
Reply #1 - Jun 23rd, 2009, 12:55am
Neither of those links crashed Firefox (3.0.11) for me, though I'm running Windoze XP...
Re: Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
Reply #2 - Jun 23rd, 2009, 4:08am
The problem isn't on the server, it is on the client side. Looks like an update of Java (at least the version used by Firefox) removed some Sun proprietary API...
Re: Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
Reply #3 - Jun 23rd, 2009, 4:40am
Maybe it's the same problem they're having with Arduino on Mac.
Re: Suddenly PApplets crash Firefox
Reply #4 - Jun 23rd, 2009, 9:49am
Super, thanks.  Glad it works for you on Windows.

I also found this thread:


Looks like maybe this is a just a Java issue, and all I can do (besides reverting back to prior versions -- major headache) is wait for an update.
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