YaBB Newbies
Posts: 2
Syntax error when compiling
Jun 5th , 2009, 8:44pm
Hi, When i try to compile the following code : class Point { int x, y, z; Point(int _x, int _y) { x = _x; y = _y; z = 0; } } import JMyron.*; JMyron m; PImage img1, img2; // img1 and img2 are the location to temporarily store the previous // and current frame. final int NROWS = 18; final int NCOLS = 24; final float LIMIT = 40.0; int w, h; // w and h are the size of the grid. void initGrid() { for (int r=0;r<=NROWS;r++) { for (int c=0;c<=NCOLS;c++) { grid[r][c] = new Point(c*w,r*h); } } } void mapGrid(PImage _i) { noStroke(); for (int r=0;r<NROWS;r++) { beginShape(QUAD_STRIP); texture(_i); for (int c=0;c<=NCOLS;c++) { vertex(grid[r][c].x,grid[r][c].y,grid[r][c].z, c*w,r*h); vertex(grid[r+1][c].x,grid[r+1][c].y,grid[r+1][c].z, c*w,(r+1)*h); } endShape(); } } Point [][] grid = new Point[NROWS+1][NCOLS+1]; void setup() { size(320,240); m = new JMyron(); m.start(width,height); println(m.getForcedWidth()); println(m.getForcedHeight()); m.findGlobs(0); img1 = createImage(width,height,ARGB); img2 = createImage(width,height,ARGB); noFill(); stroke(255,200,0); smooth(); frameRate(15); w = width/NCOLS; h = height/NROWS; } void draw() { background(0); // copy the image from img1 to img2 - the previous frame. img2.copy(img1,0,0,img1.width,img1.height, 0,0,img2.width,img2.height); img2.updatePixels(); m.update(); // update the current frame to img1. m.imageCopy(img1.pixels); img1.updatePixels(); image(img1,0,0); findFlow(); } void findFlow() { int xOff = w/2; int yOff = h/2; for (int r=1;r<NROWS;r++) { for (int c=1;c<NCOLS;c++) { Point p1 = new Point(c*w, r*h); Point p2 = findPoint(p1.x, p1.y, xOff, yOff); drawLine(p1,p2); grid[r][c].z = int(dist(p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y)); } } } void drawLine(Point _p, Point _q) { // draw the arrow line from point _q to point _p. if (_p.x!=_q.x || _p.y!=_q.y) { line(_p.x,_p.y,_q.x,_q.y); float ang = atan2(_q.y-_p.y,_q.x-_p.x); float ln = w/3.0; float tx = _p.x + ln*cos(ang-PI/6); float ty = _p.y + ln*sin(ang-PI/6); line(_p.x,_p.y,tx,ty); tx = _p.x + ln*cos(ang+PI/6); ty = _p.y + ln*sin(ang+PI/6); line(_p.x,_p.y,tx,ty); } else { line(_p.x,_p.y,_q.x,_q.y); } } Point findPoint(int _x, int _y, int _xo, int _yo) { // Given a pixel (_x, _y) in img1, we search the neighborhood of that // pixel in img2 and try to find a matching colour. // // The neighborhood size is defined by (w x h) and the boundaries are // x0 - left // x1 - right // y0 - top // y1 - right int x0 = _x - _xo; int x1 = _x + _xo; int y0 = _y - _yo; int y1 = _y + _yo; // Initialize the minimum difference to a high value. // Loop through the pixels in img2 within the boundary. // Find the pixel with minimum difference from the original one // in img1. float minDiff = 999999999; Point p = new Point(_x,_y); color c1 = img1.pixels[_y*img1.width+_x]; color c2 = img2.pixels[_y*img2.width+_x]; if (!matchCol(c1,c2)) { for (int r=y0;r<y1;r++) { for (int c=x0;c<x1;c++) { c2 = img2.pixels[r*img2.width+c]; float diff = dist(red(c1),green(c1),blue(c1), red(c2),green(c2),blue(c2)); if (diff<minDiff) { minDiff = diff; p.x = c; p.y = r; } } } } return p; } boolean matchCol(color c1, color c2) { // Compare two colour values and see if they are similar. float d = dist(red(c1),green(c1),blue(c1), red(c2),green(c2),blue(c2)); return (d<LIMIT); } I get the following error : Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException at TySke.findFlow(TySke.java:105) at TySke.draw(TySke.java:94) at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1406) at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1311) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613) Does anybody know what this means or how to fix it?