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cool mistake (Read 2150 times)
cool mistake
May 21st, 2009, 9:17am
I stumbled on the following when I accidentally put a straight integer instead of a color. I love how Processing works like that. Anyway, thought it was interesting enough to post. Quote:
int rad = 200; //radius

void setup() {
void draw() {
  for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a++) {
    float d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, a%400, (a-a%400)/400);
    //move your mouse
    //a%400 x coord from index, (a-a%400)/400 y coord from index
    if(d <= rad) {
      pixels[a] += lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad)<<17;
      //pixels[a] = lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad);
      //use commented line above instead for something more sane
void mouseClicked() {
  //click to clear
  for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a++) {
    pixels[a] = 0;

Re: cool mistake
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2009, 11:31am
I like playing arround with it. thats what i came up with Smiley

float rad = 100; //radius

void setup() {
void draw() {
 rad = 10+(frameCount%200);
 float x= width/2+sin(frameCount/3)*100;
 float y= height/2+cos(frameCount/3)*100;

 for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a+=1) {
   float d = dist(x, y, a%400, (a-a%400)/400);

   if(d <= rad) {
       pixels[a] += lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad)<< 16;
     pixels[a] = lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad*1.2);
     //use commented line above instead for something more sane
void mouseClicked() {
 //click to clear
 for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a++) {
   pixels[a] = 0;
Re: cool mistake
Reply #2 - May 21st, 2009, 11:05pm
That's seizuretastic.
Re: cool mistake
Reply #3 - May 22nd, 2009, 9:03am
Thats an interesting result Cedric. Not what I expected when glancing at your modifications. Perhaps I should have included an epilepsy warning. Smiley
Re: cool mistake
Reply #4 - May 22nd, 2009, 10:18am
Here's a slight variation on the original:

int rad = 75; //radius
int oldX = 0;
int oldY = 0;
boolean drawOn = false;

void setup() {
void draw() {
 // fade out the background:
 // (Not sure why background(0,2) doesn't work... it doesn't respect the alpha)
 // Crude way to determine the speed of mouse movement
 float dx = mouseX - oldX;
 float dy = mouseY - oldY;
 float dist = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
 // As speed increases so does the dist between the old mouse position and the new
 // Only allow drawing when above a certain 'speed':
 if (dist > 10) {
     drawOn = true;
 else {
   drawOn = false;  
 oldX = mouseX;
 oldY = mouseY;

// Only draw when the mouse is moving
void mouseMoved() {
 // tests whether the mouse is moving fast enough  
 if (drawOn) {
 for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a++) {
   float d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, a%400, (a-a%400)/400);
   //move your mouse
   //a%400 x coord from index, (a-a%400)/400 y coord from index
   if(d <= rad) {
     pixels[a] += lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad)<<17;
     //pixels[a] = lerpColor(pixels[a], color(255), 1-d/rad);
     //use commented line above instead for something more sane


void mouseClicked() {
//click to clear
for(int a=0; a<pixels.length; a++) {
  pixels[a] = 0;
Re: cool mistake
Reply #5 - May 22nd, 2009, 11:31am
I kind of like the functionality of drawing only when the mouse velocity is over a certain threshold. Here is a simpler way to achieve that:


 if (mouseX - pmouseX > 3 || mouseY - pmouseY > 3) {
     drawOn = true;
 else {
   drawOn = false;  

This uses pmouse which automatically stores the previous mouse coordinates. I just check if the mouse has moved more than a certain amount in one direction or (or is the ||) the other by differencing the current and former positions.

I think a background fade doesn't work here because we are manipulating the pixels array. The fading you have added produces some interesting effects almost like refraction. Nice.
Re: cool mistake
Reply #6 - May 28th, 2009, 10:02pm
Hey, that is cool.  Tweaked it into a simple "drawing toy" --


it has some extra "effect" brushes to play with the way the ripples interfere. (absolute value of the hex, inverse ripples..)

Re: cool mistake
Reply #7 - May 31st, 2009, 10:56am
I really like how you set up to for loops so it processes only relevant pixels and not the whole array Ben. I was thinking about doing that. All the interaction you added really makes it more interesting too.

I wondered why your strokes seem to fade in. Also does anyone understand why the banding and interference patterns are produced in the first place?

I think theres a feedback loop in there but I never figured out exactly what was happening.
Re: cool mistake
Reply #8 - May 31st, 2009, 2:16pm
The patterns you get when simply pressing and releasing the mouse button on the same spot intrigue me... different timing yields different patterns. Very nice.

edit: and what about the white pixels that emerge after awhile? Also interesting...
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