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NullPointerException with no line number (Read 673 times)
NullPointerException with no line number
May 14th, 2009, 6:03pm
Working on a fairly simple probgram... the portions that I think are relevant are below.


int nProb = 0;
Problem[] allProblems;

int i=0;
int j=0;
int k=0;
int l=0;

void setup(){
//load problems file
String rawProbList[] = loadStrings("problems.txt");
String thisLine;
for(i=0;i < rawProbList.length; i++){
//above reads each line. logic follows..
thisLine = rawProbList[i];

//is it a comment?
if((thisLine.length() < 2) || (thisLine.substring(0,2).equals("//") == false)){
//it's not a comment
//Is it a header?
if(thisLine.equals("HEADER") == true){
//First "line" of the problem
//Also update the count of valid lines...
//it's a content line, not header
case 0:
//need to make a new problem; this line gives the filename
allProblems = (Problem[])append(allProblems, new Problem(thisLine));
case 1:
//update topic of this problem...
allProblems[nProb-1].topic = int(thisLine);
case 2:
//update DC this problem...
allProblems[nProb-1].level = int(thisLine);
case 3:
//update answer of this problem...
allProblems[nProb-1].answer = thisLine.charAt(0);
//increment which one we're on
}//end of dealing with a valid line

}//end of reading problems.txt

class Problem
//class representing the current problem
char answer;
int topic;
int level;
String fileName;
PImage visual;

void display(int ecks, int why){
//draw it
image(visual, ecks, why);

Problem(String ifileName){
fileName = ifileName;
//load it
visual = loadImage(fileName);

I'm getting a NullPointerException, with output as follows:

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(Native Method)
at processing.core.PApplet.append(PApplet.java:4691)
at bauercalc.setup(bauercalc.java:92)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:1383)
at processing.core.PApplet.run(PApplet.java:1311)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I've had to deal with several NullPointerExceptions from syntax issues, but they all highlighted a specific line.  This has no line reference... and the error still occurs when I replace thisLine.length() and rawProbList.length with constants.

Any thoughts?  I'm afraid I'm new at both Processing and Java... any advice or aid would be appreciated!
Re: NullPointerException with no line number
Reply #1 - May 15th, 2009, 2:03am
Classical issue: you declare the array but don't initialize it.
You must add

allProblems = new Problem[INITIAL_SIZE];

where INITIAL_SIZE is an appropriately dimensioned number, to your setup().

Also I advise to look into ArrayList for such functionality.
Re: NullPointerException with no line number
Reply #2 - May 15th, 2009, 6:28am
Thanks for the prompt help!

BenHem: I'm pretty sure the nProb-1 isn't an issue.  I tried initialising it as Code:
int nProb =1; 

and still got the error.  It should never be a problem anyway- the file that I'm reading from has a very strict syntax, and any line that would call that switch(j) statement will come after a HEADER line- that is, nProb++ will always be executed before thy switch statement.

PhiLho: Aha!  I've kind of been confused by the array/object initialization styntax- I'm used to PHP, which of course has none of that.  I added Code:
allProblems = new Problem[0]; 

to the toppish section of setup(), and the program at least doesn't crash.  Just to confirm- that will give it an initial length of 0 elements, so it will only contain elements I append()...right?
Re: NullPointerException with no line number
Reply #3 - May 15th, 2009, 6:30am
OK, confirmed: allProblems.length is the expected value.  Thanks for the help!
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