hello there,
I'm trying to create a midi file loader for creating a Song instance from a .Mid file.
The problem I have is in the promidi.MidiEvent, every constructor are either private, or protected. I want to make one of theses constructor public. But I don't absolutely know how to recreate the promidi.jar file, form the modified .java files in the promidi/promidi folder.
I give you the things I tried:
First, I unzipped the promidi.jar file into a folder, to acces to the class files. It gives me a folder with the promidi and META-INF subfolders. The promidi subfolder contains the original .class files.
Then I use javac to recompile the MidiEvent.java into a new MidiEvent.class file.
Then I move this new Midievent.class into the class subfolder, and it overwrite the original one
but now I don't know how to recreate the promidi.jar file. I tried the ubuntu "create archive" system, but the .jar file I obtain is only 43k, and the old one was 89ko. Quite strange.
Could anybody explain me how to recreate the jar file? And, of course, if the way i modify the MidiEvent.class file is wrong, I would aggre some help too
EDIT : I tried the following command:
jar cvfm promidi2.jar promidi/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF -C promidi/promidi/ .
it seems to work, but the promidi2.jar file is always 43ko sized...
Thanks a lot
PS : I'm french, sorry if my english is hard to understand
Please tell me if you don't understand qhat I'm talking about.
Could you help me?