Hi all
trying to use the SQL lib to connect to a database with no luck. I have one local and live to test with. Does this only work with server side apps embedded in a web page. If so, do any extra steps need to be taken to sign the exported applet or similar to have it connect?
All I am doing at the moment is modifying the 2 mysql examples. When running in the IDE with my local database i get
SQL.connect(): Could not connect to the database ( jdbc:mysql://localhost/abc_visualisations ).
com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:
MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
and when i try my live database on dreamhost i get:
SQL.connect(): Could not connect to the database ( jdbc:mysql://mysql.serialspace.org/abc_visualisations ).
java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'infostudio'@'124-170-88-183.dyn.iinet.net.au' (using password: YES)
When running on my local server in browser it doesn't connect either.
I am running the most current OSX, Processing and SQLibrary.
Any help greatly appreciated. Note that I had to manually copy the lib files into the code folder to get this far as Processing didn't automatically copy the dependencies for the SQL lib over.