YaBB Newbies
Posts: 9
Optimizing display of lots of primitives (~200k)
Apr 25th , 2009, 6:45am
I'm working on a sketch that takes a movie (in this example an image sequence), extrudes each frame, and stacks them. Each pixel becomes a cube of the same color; 'background' pixels are keyed out. Right now, it's static, but eventually I would love to have it be dynamic, loading new frames on top of the stack. This sketch is a test run, using 50 frames of a 100x100px video. (Note the weird moire pattern is due to my laziness in keying out the 'background' pixels) Performance is dead slow (even on my Mac Pro), which I kind of expected: I'm rendering between 200 000 and 500 000 cubes! I've read up on some possible methods to speed things up, and I would love some feedback on which might be most effective. 1) Implement Vertex Buffer Objects 2) Create a custom cube class based on rects rather than use Processing's box() class 3) Avoid rendering unnecessary cubes (how?) 4) Implement a 'preview' view using something like points, then show the cubes when the camera comes to rest 5) Instead of rending individual cubes for each frame 'layer', render an object that aggregates their geometry and texture it with the pixel array. (Note: I would need to keep the cubes array around in memory for processing, but this might be a solution for rendering) Separate question: what's the best tool for profiling OpenGL use in a processing app? I would really appreciate any advice on which of these (if any) would be the best place to start. If anybody has other ideas, please post them! Thanks.... Applet here (, code below. The applet's ~3megs and may take a minute to load. __________________________ import*; import*; import peasy.*; import*; import processing.opengl.*; PeasyCam cam; PImage img; int imgHeight; int imgWidth; Cube[][][] cubes = new Cube[140][287][51]; int globalCubeRadius; color black; color white; PImage[] imgs=new PImage[51]; void setup() { size(400,400, OPENGL); background(0); lights(); noFill(); noStroke(); //frameRate(30); for(int i=1;i<52;i++){ imgs[i-1]=loadImage("testmov"+i+".png"); } img = imgs[0]; imgHeight=img.height; imgWidth=img.width; globalCubeRadius=5; cam = new PeasyCam(this,imgWidth*5/2,imgHeight*5/2, 0,700); cam.setMinimumDistance(60); cam.setMaximumDistance(1000); black=#000000; white=#d9d9d9; for(int h=0; h<51;h++){ img=imgs[h]; for(int i=0;i<imgWidth;i++){ for(int j=0;j<imgHeight;j++){ if(img.pixels[j*imgWidth+i]>=white){ cubes[i][j][h]=new Cube(0,0,0,globalCubeRadius); }else{ cubes[i][j][h]=new Cube(0,0,0,globalCubeRadius,img.pixels[j*imgWidth+i]); } } } } } void draw() { background(0); for(int h=0;h<51;h++){ pushMatrix(); translate(0,0,h*globalCubeRadius); for(int j=0;j<imgHeight;j++){ pushMatrix(); translate(-globalCubeRadius,j*globalCubeRadius,0); for(int i=0;i<imgWidth;i++){ translate(globalCubeRadius,0,0); cubes[i][j][h].drawObj(); } popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); } } class Cube { float centerX, centerY, centerZ; int radius; color col; Boolean noColor; Cube(float cubeCenterX, float cubeCenterY, float cubeCenterZ, int cubeRadius, color cubeCol){ centerX=cubeCenterX; centerY= cubeCenterY; centerZ=cubeCenterZ; radius=cubeRadius; col=cubeCol; noColor=false; } Cube(float cubeCenterX, float cubeCenterY, float cubeCenterZ, int cubeRadius){ centerX=cubeCenterX; centerY= cubeCenterY; centerZ=cubeCenterZ; radius=cubeRadius; noColor=true; } void drawObj() { if(cubeExists()==true){ fill(col); box(radius); } } Boolean cubeExists(){ if(noColor==false){ return true; }else{ return false; } } }