I am making a multiple arduino data logger in processing.
It saves the output as a comma seperated value csv file that is a text file with a different extension.
I am having it count and save the counted numbers to a text file...
This is to test how big tables open office , or mysql tables can handle...
Then I need statistics processing on thowse tables....
It is running very slow and does not work in windows when I export the aplication...? My sketch folder is the desktop.
* SaveFile 2
* This file a PrintWriter object to write data continuously to a file
* while the mouse is pressed. When a key is pressed, the file closes
* itself and the program is stopped. This example won't work in a web browser
* because of Java security restrictions.
int count1=0;
int count2=0;
PrintWriter output;
void setup()
size(200, 200);
// Create a new file in the sketch directory
output = createWriter("positions.csv");
void draw()
output.println(count1 + "," + count2);
if (mousePressed) {
point(mouseX, mouseY);
// Write the coordinate to a file with a
// "," (comma character) between each entry
void keyPressed() { // Press a key to save the data
output.flush(); // Write the remaining data
output.close(); // Finish the file
exit(); // Stop the program
maby useing float as the tipe of number input is slowing it...