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One conditional and a variable question (Read 490 times)
One conditional and a variable question
Apr 19th, 2009, 11:06am
hi , I got this sketch, it draws ellipses, these ellipses create "lines of ellipses"

Can you explain me in normal english how does the if conditional behaves ?


I also dont understand what the rwHop do, and how it is related to Height_of_peaks

I am a newbie, please explain me in a way i can understand. thanks !!!

Here's the code

void setup(){
size (300,300);
background (#FF034F);


void draw(){


// Declare Variables

int totalpoints =100 ;
float steps = totalpoints + 1;
int totalrows =3;
int space_between_row = height/totalrows;
float height_of_peaks = 1;
float rowhop =0 ;
int randnudge = 8;
int E=8;

stroke ( 255);
// Algorithm

for (int i =space_between_row ; i<height ; i+=space_between_row) {
for ( int j = 1 ; j < steps ; j++){
rowhop-= height_of_peaks;
if (j% ( 1+(int)(random(randnudge))) == 0 ){

// extra conditionalls

if (mouseX>width/2){
E=+50 ;

ellipse((width/steps)*j+random(-30,30), i+rowhop,E,E);


Re: One conditional and a variable question
Reply #1 - Apr 19th, 2009, 4:25pm
clarifying IF in processing: to compare values in a IF conditional you use == instead of only =. one equal sign denotes that something has a specific value, while == denotes a comparison (if x equals 0 is written if(x == 0){statements}, then. summarizing, when declaring a variable you use x = 0; while when comparing with a if conditional you use if(x == 0), for example.

in this particular conditional if by dividing j by (1+int(random(randnudge))) the rest equals 0 [j % (1+int(random(randnudge))) == 0] the statements inside the brackets are read.

this particular statement modify the Y position of the ellipse on the screen based on a randomly defined comparison (in this case the int(random(randnudge)) which returns a value from 0 to 8 and converts it to int with the int() function to be divided by j and then if it returns no rest the if statements run). if the result returns true height_of_peaks becomes (-height_of_peaks) {if height_of peaks was 1 it becomes -1 and if height_of_peaks was -1 it becomes 1}, incrementing rowhop in the opposite direction as before (rowhop is related to height_of_peaks because inside the for (int j = 1 ; j < steps et cetera) iteration it is stated that rowhop -= height_of_peaks; this way each time this for iteration runs the rowhop value increases or decreases by 1 depending on the result of the if(j%1 + int(...) et cetera) conditional.

rowhop is called on the ellipse() function together with the value of i to define what is the Y position of each ellipse. while the value of i defines in which row the ellipse must be drawn, the rowhop make each ellipse on the same line occupy a slightly different Y pos.
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