We have a lot of warnings like that at work, in our large, old code base...
Classes can implement the
Serializable interface (and lot of Swing classes do, at least all JComponents), indicating they can be serialized (saved to disk, streamed over network, etc.).
To avoid compatibility issues (saving a class with an old version, loading it with a modified class, with fields added or removed), you are supposed to add an ID: if the loaded data has an ID different of the current one, Java will protest.
You can put a dummy serialVersionUID like you did, a simple one (1, 10,152...) or an automatically generated one (-5768984524246542298L). If you don't provide such ID, Java will generate one based on the current code, so it will change on each minor update, even if it doesn't affect serialization.
If you have no intent to serialize data (frequent with Swing components), just add
@SuppressWarnings("serial") annotation, both removing the warning and documenting your intent.
For more information than you need on serialization, you can read
Canadian Mind Products' page on Serialization.
And you cannot have the color "type" in Eclipse: it is actually dynamically replaced with a simple
int by the Processing pre-processor (which also make literal decimal numbers being floats and some other adjustments simplifying Java syntax).