I dug out my Wiimote and loaded up some code from last year.
It does not work and the two things I updated is Processing and Osculator. Does anybody know if there has been introduced code that makes Osculator, Processing and the oscp5 library not work any more?
Osculator and my Wiimote pairs just fine and I get all inputs, no problem.
Then I load up a small example, include the oscp5, loads in the Wiicontroller class that came with the oscp5 library (I think that is where I got it)
change these lines:
WiiController() {
// by default darwiinremoteOSC sends OSC messages to port 5600
osc = new OscP5(this,8001);
// the address and the port of darwiinremoteOSC
remoteAddress = "";
remotePort = 8002;
Meaning, I wish to listen for OSC messages on port 8001 and send messages from my processing sketch to the Wii using port 8002.
In Osculator I reroute all wii inputs to on port 8001.
No messages finds their way into the Wiicontroller class

I can't really recall I did anything different when it last worked (think it was November or October)
The osculator website has changed and I can't find the processing examples anymore.
Has anybody got something like this up and running, I bet I just made a stupid mistake and because I had it running with some old code I can't be objective in my debugging :)