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need help by sorting a color array (Read 2744 times)
need help by sorting a color array
Apr 1st, 2009, 3:23pm

I'm using a webcam for color import and I want to sort the colors by brightness and use that to fill the screen.
Only my code shows a strange color effect and I can still se what i'm recording with my webcam. Where does the color effect come from and what did I do wrong?



import processing.video.*;

//color[][] imageColorRed, imageColorGreen, imageColorBlue, imageColorRGB;
color[] imageColors;

Capture cam;

void setup() {
size(176, 144);
cam = new Capture(this, 176, 144);//88, 72 / 176, 144 -default is 320, 240 trust camera_max is 352x288

void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
//image(cam, 0, 0, 320, 240);
//set(0, 0, cam); //faster without any additional resizing, transformations, or tint.
int count = cam.width * cam.height;
for (int i=0; i <= 255; i++){
for (int j =0; j < count; j++) {
if (int(brightness(cam.pixels[j])) == i) {
//sorted[num] = colors[j];
pixels[j] = cam.pixels[i];
//cam.pixels = sortColors(imageColors);
color[] sortColors(color[] colors) {
color[] sorted = new color[colors.length];
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++){
for(int j =0; j < colors.length; j++){
if (int(brightness(colors[j])) == i) {
sorted[num] = colors[j];
return sorted;

Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #1 - Apr 1st, 2009, 4:01pm
I'm not sure you are actually sorting the colors the same way. The commented sorting routine uses num as an index for assignment. Your main code does not.

The commented sort algorithm does work.


PImage in = new PImage(256,256);
PImage out = new PImage(256,256);

void setup() {

for (int i=0; i<in.pixels.length; i++) {
in.pixels[i] = (int)random(0xffffff) | 0xff000000;;

out.pixels = sortColors(in.pixels);


void draw() {

color[] sortColors(color[] colors) {
color[] sorted = new color[colors.length];
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++){
for(int j =0; j < colors.length; j++){
if (int(brightness(colors[j])) == i) {
sorted[num] = colors[j];
return sorted;
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 5:26am
Thx, that helps a bit,

why does this script keeps hanging?
it has to do with

Cause without that it runs fine


import processing.video.*;
PImage out = new PImage(320, 240);

Capture cam;

void setup() {
size(640, 480);
cam = new Capture(this, 320, 240);

void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
image(cam, 0, 0); //set(0, 0, cam);
//out.pixels = sortColors(pixels);
//image(out, 0, 0);

color[] sortColors(color[] colors) {
color[] sorted = new color[colors.length];
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++){
for(int j =0; j < colors.length; j++){
if (int(brightness(colors[j])) == i) {
sorted[num] = colors[j];
return sorted;
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2009, 8:49am
I believe it is just that the println(pixels) has to print "[index] intvalue" as many times as the number of pixels in your sketch (640*480).

On a side note, I was trying to wrap my head around your sort algorithm and I think it could lead to one of the fastest sorts I have seen.

With a little work, it could probably be used to sort completely (not just by hue or color channel).

If something doesn't make sense, I will do my best to explain.

Edit: This turns out to be a Radix Sort that stops after the first level.


//Uses more memory to gain speed.

int w = 320, h = 240;

PImage data = new PImage(w,h);
PImage out = new PImage(w,h);

int[][] contents = new int[256][];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc

int[] counts = new int[256];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc
int[] indexlist = new int[data.pixels.length];

void setup() {


int tmr = millis();

//This is actually more overhead, as you would have an image as a source, still counted in the timer
//Pass 0
for (int i=0; i<data.pixels.length; i++) {
data.pixels[i] = ((int)random(0xffffff)) | 0xff000000;

//this is where it starts assuming that we are receiving data, not generating as shown above
//Pass 1
for (int i=0; i<data.pixels.length; i++) {
indexlist[i] = int(hue(data.pixels[i]));//target
counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table

//allocate arrays to hold sorted data
//possibly faster to pre-allocate [256][data.length] but would require much more RAM
//[256][65536] == 16 million int's, or a 4096x4096 image
//Pass 2
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
contents[i] = new int[counts[i]];

//Fills contents from data
//Pass 3
for (int i=0; i<data.pixels.length; i++) {
contents[ indexlist[i] ][ contents[indexlist[i]].length - counts[indexlist[i]] ] = data.pixels[i];
counts[indexlist[i]]--;//back down the count table

//Cycle through the 256 indecies in order and list them out
//Pass 4
int idx = 0;//Location to place into output

for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++) {//outer array size

for (int d=0; d<contents[i].length; d++) {
out.pixels[idx] = contents[i][d];


println("milliseconds: " + (millis() - tmr));


void draw() {

Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #4 - Apr 4th, 2009, 7:25am
hi, looks good but I dont understand all.
starting with this,

counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table

why is this needed?
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #5 - Apr 5th, 2009, 1:36am
I used counts[] as a kind of stack for each level (0 to 255). A pre-calculation for pass 3 where counts[] is used as an index to fill contents[level][index].

I did that instead of looping through each sub array and finding the matching values from the data.

There may be another way to do it, but 'I believe' it is one of the fastest.
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2009, 5:16am
I tried to get your code to work in a draw to get it working with the webcam. It shows the webcam on the left but on the right I see a black screen drawn instand of the colors sorted by hue.

what is going wrong?

Code in next post (max 2000 characters is way to less for a forum like this ....)
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #7 - Apr 5th, 2009, 5:17am
int w = 320, h = 240;

////PImage data;
PImage out = new PImage(w,h);

import processing.video.*;//+++++
Capture cam;//+++++

int[][] contents = new int[256][];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc

int[] counts = new int[256];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc
int[] indexlist = new int[76800];//int[] indexlist = new int[data.pixels.length];

void setup() {
////data = loadImage("test.png");
////image(data, 0, 0);
cam = new Capture(this, 320, 240);//++++++++++

void draw() {
if (cam.available() == true) {
int tmr = millis();
image(cam, 0, 0);
//set(0, 0, cam);

//This is actually more overhead, as you would have an image as a source, still counted in the timer
//Pass 0
//this is where it starts assuming that we are receiving data, not generating as shown above
//Pass 1
for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {
indexlist[i] = int(hue(cam.pixels[i]));//target
counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table

//allocate arrays to hold sorted data
//possibly faster to pre-allocate [256][data.length] but would require much more RAM
//[256][65536] == 16 million int's, or a 4096x4096 image
//Pass 2
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
contents[i] = new int[counts[i]];

//Fills contents from data
//Pass 3
for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {
contents[ indexlist[i] ][ contents[indexlist[i]].length - counts[indexlist[i]] ] = cam.pixels[i];
counts[indexlist[i]]--;//back down the count table

//Cycle through the 256 indecies in order and list them out
//Pass 4
int idx = 0;//Location to place into output
for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++) {//outer array size
for (int d=0; d<contents[i].length; d++) {
out.pixels[idx] = contents[i][d];


println("milliseconds: " + (millis() - tmr));


// image(data,0,0);
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #8 - Apr 5th, 2009, 10:43pm
Ah, to get it to work, I had to surround the meat of the draw function with load -and updatePixels().

//rest of code
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #9 - Apr 6th, 2009, 9:43am
cool, thx it works now Smiley

Just some questions,

why a two dimensional aray for this one?

int[][] contents = new int[256][];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc


//rest of code

why out.loadPixels();  and cam.updatePixels(); it works without so it can be used without right.

Also this one can be used on a image and it works but it doesnt use loadPixels, howcome that it works without using load where the cam version does have to use load?

int w = 320, h = 240;

PImage data;
PImage out = new PImage(w,h);

int[][] contents = new int[256][];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc

int[] counts = new int[256];//256 levels for RGB/hue/brightness/etc
int[] indexlist = new int[76800];//int[] indexlist = new int[data.pixels.length];

void setup() {

 data = loadImage("test.png");
 image(data, 0, 0);
 int tmr = millis();

 for (int i=0; i<data.pixels.length; i++) {
   indexlist[i] = int(hue(data.pixels[i]));//target
   counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table

 for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
   contents[i] = new int[counts[i]];

 for (int i=0; i<data.pixels.length; i++) {
   contents[ indexlist[i] ][ contents[indexlist[i]].length - counts[indexlist[i]] ] = data.pixels[i];
   counts[indexlist[i]]--;//back down the count table

 int idx = 0;//Location to place into output

 for (int i=0; i<contents.length; i++) {//outer array size
   for (int d=0; d<contents[i].length; d++) {
out.pixels[idx] = contents[i][d];


 println("milliseconds: " + (millis() - tmr));


void draw() {

I still don't understand all so maybe I ask more later but I'm prety tired atm so I will look at it again later.
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #10 - Apr 6th, 2009, 1:29pm
Two dimensions:

I knew I would have 256 sub arrays, but the length of each sub array depends on the data of the image.
It was just easier than indexing a single dimension array.

Not needing updatePixels():

I have had mixed results on different machines (possibly different versions of Processing) as to when I need to use load/update so I used both to be safe.
If it works without... cool. Smiley

I don't know the 'how' part, but I do know 'why' the example didn't need update: it seems anything done in setup() is ready. Since draw() is called only once after that, no update was needed.
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #11 - Apr 6th, 2009, 2:50pm
ok I understand that.

for the pass 1, althought you tried to explain it I still not understand what kind of value or how the counts is saved. I tried to println it but then I get a arrayOutOfBoundsExeption: 76800
Why do I get that error?


//Pass 1
for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {
indexlist[i] = int(hue(cam.pixels[i]));//target ////saves hue to indexlist[i]
counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table
if ((i % 1000) == 0) {

I also tried
     if (i  == 76800) {

then it prints nothing, and if I try
     if (i  == 76799) {

then I get the outOfBounds thing again  Undecided

If you don't mind could you give me a noob explenation that goes in detail how it works?
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #12 - Apr 6th, 2009, 3:10pm
the array is limited to 76800 integers which is 320x240 (width and height as defined at the top there)

but if your image is bigger than this then it'll try writing beyond the end of the array and will fail

the number of pixels in the image is given by

try printing that out before the loop, see what it is.
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #13 - Apr 6th, 2009, 9:31pm
There is a catch in your println() statement:

//Pass 1
   for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {
indexlist[i] = int(hue(cam.pixels[i]));
counts[indexlist[i]]++;//increment the count table
if ((i % 1000) == 0) {
 println(counts[indexlist[i]]);//<------------Remove the ++

Every 1000 counts, the value would be incremented once more.

As for what counts[indexlist[i]] holds, it is the number of pixels that have a matching hue of indexlist[i].
Re: need help by sorting a color array
Reply #14 - Apr 6th, 2009, 10:14pm
Don't feel bad about not getting it at first, after all, a sorting method that does no > or < comparisons blew my mind at first (that was your code by the way Wink).

I'll give a shot at explaining.
Let's look at the problem like we are sorting different colored plates. (Hey! I do remember something from school  Shocked).

Pass 1:
Go over each pixel in the image (the pile of dishes).
Look at the hue of each plate (img.pixels[i]).

Put a sticky note next to each plate (at indexlist[i]) that tells which hue pile the plate should go to.

Count the number of sticky notes of the same color. To be efficient, we count them as we place the notes (counts[indexlist[i]]++).

Pass 2:
Make sure we have enough space in each hue pile for all of the plates.
(Allocate arrays)

Pass 3:
Stack the plates on their matching pile, keeping track of how many plates of each hue we have left (counts[indexlist[i]]--).

Pass 4:
Pick up each smaller stack and put them, in order, into the dish rack (out.pixels).

Forgive me if that was a little 'too' basic. It is similar to how a Stack was explained to me during one of my classes.

Edit: Just a side note, since I can't modify my other entry, will put here. I was mistaken before, this is actually a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counting_sort. Similar to Radix I think.
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