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arduino+gyro+processing (Read 858 times)
Mar 13th, 2009, 7:30am
Hey guys, i made a program to read a gyroscope and display data at processing. I wanna display the data like a circle with a line at mid indicating the angle.

thats is the

import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;

Arduino arduino;
int ledPin = 13;
int buttonPin = 8;
int minimo=300, maximo=0;
float value=0;
float first_time, time;
float teta=0;

void setup()
 arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[1]); // v2
 //arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600); // v1
 arduino.pinMode(ledPin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
 arduino.pinMode(buttonPin, Arduino.INPUT);

float sens= 0.512;
float offset= 320;
float count= 0;
float valor =0;
float aux1=0,aux2=0;
int[] contador={0,0,0};

void draw() {
 if (mousePressed == true) {
   arduino.digitalWrite(ledPin, Arduino.HIGH);
 } else {
   arduino.digitalWrite(ledPin, Arduino.LOW);
//                                                                    //
//    Gyro                                                            //
//  Sensibilidade 2.5mV/ º/s  =  0.512 counts/ º/s                    //
//  Offset 320 counts = 1562mV = 1.562V                               //
//  4.88 mV/count   //    0.2048 count/mV                             //
//                                                                    //

count =0;
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
  count = count + arduino.analogRead(0);

count = count /20;
if((int)count==319) contador[0]=contador[0]+1;
if((int)count==320) contador[1]=contador[1]+1;
if((int)count==321) contador[2]=contador[2]+1;

valor = (count - offset ) / sens;


println("count: "+(int)count+" valor: "+valor);
println("soma1: "+aux1+" soma2: "+aux2);
println("319: "+contador[0]+" 320: "+contador[1]+" 321: "+contador[2]);
//println("cos: "+cos(valor)+" sin: "+sin(valor));
println("tempo: "+time);
println("teta: "+teta);

but, when the data is displayed the line overwrite the previews line. how to fix this.


the code is a little exstensive.

ty guys
Re: arduino+gyro+processing
Reply #1 - Mar 13th, 2009, 4:03pm
Put a call to background(128); (or some other colour) at the start of your draw function.
Re: arduino+gyro+processing
Reply #2 - Mar 13th, 2009, 4:40pm
ty men, works fine
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