I hope the following code might help you. I did this for own sketches and think that it is mathematically correct.
The main thing is the function cartesianToPolar that returns a PVector with (length, angleY, angleZ). The code in setup() is just to show you, how to use the function.
void setup() {
size(800, 800, P3D);
PVector location1 = new PVector(-3, 2, -3);
PVector location2 = new PVector(4, -1, -2);
PVector d = PVector.sub(location2, location1);
println("vector from location1 to location2 : " + d);
PVector polar = cartesianToPolar(d);
println("length of this vector : " + polar.x);
println("rotation angle around y-axis : " + polar.y);
println("rotation angle around z-axis : " + polar.z);
// draw the line
translate (width/2, height/2);
line(location1.x, location1.y, location1.z, location2.x, location2.y, location2.z);
// draw the rectangle
fill(255, 0, 0, 100);
translate(location1.x, location1.y, location1.z);
rect(0, 0, polar.x, 1);
// Converts 3D cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates
// theVector : vector to convert
// returns : vector containing 'length', 'angleY' and 'angleZ',
// so that rotating a point (length, 0, 0) first
// around the y-axis with angleY and then around the
// z-axis with angleZ results again in point (x, y, z)
PVector cartesianToPolar(PVector theVector) {
PVector res = new PVector();
res.x = theVector.mag();
if (res.x > 0) {
res.y = -atan2(theVector.z, theVector.x);
res.z = asin(theVector.y / res.x);
else {
res.y = 0;
res.z = 0;
return res;